Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I don’t care if God himself gave them to the Pope, I don’t trust any leaks without naval present.


maybe we will see last list had a ifv and we didn’t get it

i mean… thats just because to few care

Don’t care. Non-naval people can’t fake naval leaks. Therefore I consider all leaks without naval to be suspect until proven otherwise.


You posted that hours ago. I think part 1 of this thread already got derailed by F/A-18 discussion so now people have gotten it out of their systems.

Yep, that is a good point. Unless it is a naval-less update

As if people arent talking off topic already XD

@Morvran i mean his earlier one included the ijin mutsu

I’m fairly certain they all have for quite a while.

F22 raptor is coming next update

Personally, I hopefully another fighter aircraft 12.3 after F-4M Phantom FGR.2 and fighter aircraft with active radar homing BVRAAM at 12.7 after JAS39C Gripen from Indian & SAAF


Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) - #1965 by oom1992

Well, it’s not as good as people say. The APFSDS is a one trick pony tbh. It can be absolutely disgusting sometimes, but it’s highly contextual and no MG’s and smokes makes you really vulnerable to a lot. It’s a proper 10.0 lolwagon.

I really hope they do the 292 justice at some point and give us the Yak-141 treatment on it’s Kontakt-5 and Shtora mockup.

Obj 292 is fine at 10.0. It doesn’t need any buff

Context again. The turret is a great asset. The transmission is a horrid liability. It’s nice, but without Arena-M, or some of the other protection systems it can install, there really won’t be a huge difference between it and the T-90M (Obr. 2022). All we should get are metal box versions of the Relikt (marginal protection addition), and maybe they throw us a bone and give us 3BM59 for the marginal pen increase.

The one we have is fine at 10.0, absolute lolwagon. But a different 292, like from the armored mockups with Kontakt-5, Shtora, sideskirts, machine guns, smoke… it would be nice to see that one.

Sea Harrier FA2 will be 12.3 and Tornado F3 FSP/AoP will be 12.7.

Both will be good for the respective BRs so long as they aren’t uptiered to fight F15C MSIPII in the same update

@Deathmisser don’t we already have the Leopard 2A4TR ? It was part of the Turkish Valour pack:
( [Shop] Moments of Valour: The Turkish Armed Forces - News - War Thunder )

You’ll have to wait to achieve your complimentary arthritis and concussions as well.

It was a skin not a tank of it self


Sea Harrier F/A.2 cares 2 x asraams + 2 x aim 120B or 4 x 9M + 2 120B or 4 120B
Best fighter-Harrier)

thats the TR