Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Seeing the fantasy flight models we already have in game, also with fully moveable canards in case of Gripen I’d say that underscores my point since further inaccuracies in that regard wont matter for air RB.

SU-27K is the T-10 as far as I’m aware. Production SU-33 have a higher thrust to weight and improved maneuverability while teh airframe itself is heavier.

The comparison with M1 is flawed.
SU-33 is a SU-27 adapted for aircraft carrier duty. While later M1 or Leopard 2 variants are straight upgrades of the existing platform with unchanged purpose.

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Then we have 3 F-18 single seat variants that could be introduced easily.

Gaijin can make it 4
F/A-18A aka “F/A-18A Early”


Meaning 3 without touching the Super Hornet which should certainly be introduced with more advanced weaponry than we have currently.

Realistically the F-18A “early” needs to come in the next update for it to not be weird.

I’ll say it again Gaijin has confirmed that AMRAAMs are coming in one of the next 2 updates. Said F-18A “early” can’t use them.

So unless Gaijin is planning on not adding that version or adding it after more advanced versions come next update is really the last time for it.

But in the end, this is just my two cents on the Legacy Hornets.


Tho F/A-18A+ would be very bad, like very very bad. It can barely break mach with 2 AIM-9 and 2 AIM-7, let alone doing that with 8 AIM-120 and two AIM-9

Watch the F-18A “early” be an event vehicle because gaijin. They’ll either do that or the F-20 sadly. If they’re smart they’d do an event YF-17, but I doubt they’d do that.


Nah they got to do an F-16A (Early).

Oh god please no

Wouldn’t be surprised if we do get a tt jet for the air reward for the event lol

Speaking of shouldn’t we see a devblog ether tomorrow or Tuesday abit it ?

With our recent leaks, it’s looking like the F-20 is the prize for the upcome air event.

Because it is either that or a US premium as I remember hearing that both(premiums and events) share a file tag or something like that.

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The leak about it being a premium is fake, the leak that it’s coming is real. It screams event prize to me but it really needs to be in the tree.

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Well the F-5 platform has been heavily used as premium/events in the past so maybe.

The Gripen is irrelevant in this topic, as it’s a delta in an entirely different weight class.

What? What T-10? Which one?
The Su-27K is a precursor design to the Su-33, as I’ve said.

As I’ve said, these are factors towards a more complex flight model, which is entirely unneeded right now.

And your comparison of an Su-27 / Su-33 isn’t?

If you’d like to see it that way, sure. Normally an “adaptation” doesn’t involve an entire airframe redesign, decades of development and phasing, as well as the culmination of multiple prototypes.
I can say the Su-30SM is also an interceptor adaptation of the Su-27, but that doesn’t deny the previous statements that it is an unneeded plane and will cause more problems than are needed.

The 2A4 to 2A5 was an entire turret and hull redesign. It took almost a year to implement the two variants, as the ballistics calculation needed an entire overhaul to even imagine the 2A5’s in-game protection.

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Lots of things need to be in the tree but are an event/battle pass reward.

The Cent Mk 2 was a battle pass vehicle when it shouldn’t have been. Tho I have grips with certain types of rewards for these things that I’ve said before.

No need
F-16/79 exists


Only if you expect them to be top BR or end-of-tree at first introduction. Backfill and horizontal expansion are not uncommon.

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and G is SEAD version

I told you the issue which you now ignore. Gripen is just as relevant. Eitehr the accuracy of all airframes matters or none.
We do not have a single full fidelity flight model in War Thudner as far as I’m aware.

SU-33 is a SU-27 adapted for aircraft carrier duty. That is rather different from your mbt comparison.

Every flight model is complex my good man. Be it F-4, Mirage III, MiG 21 etc.
With 4th gen aircraft Gaijin now fully entered the realm of fantasy implementation. By design even since you can do in some 3rd gen jets what are key features of 4th gen jets irl.
Nowhere does Gaijin go for realism. Authenticity at best of which we could use more.

Regarding MBTs sure there are great and extensive changes but SU-33 is not a leap in technology over SU-27. It’s airframe has been reworked to work from an aircraft carrier it’s weaponry is the same so all that would mean in game is that you have a different set of pixxels on your screen, with a slightly changed flight model.
Think of Rafale and F-35. SU-33 took so long because there was no immediate drive for a naval Su-27 as there has been in the Rafale and F-35 programmes.

SU-30 immediately came with more modern weaponry and avionics.

If you want to stick to MBT comaprisons SU-27/33 are similar to going from Leopard 2A6 to 2A6M, barely a difference as far as War Thudner gameplay is concerned.
SU27/33 to SU-30 is closer to going from a Leopard 2A4 to Leopard 2A5.

I do not see what you mean when you say these aircraft are not necessary.
We arrived at 80s and 90s jets quite clearly now. SU-33 are F-18 are 80s jets and compareable to what we have in game already regarding flight performance and weaponry.


Premium F-18A hm? UGH.