Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)



Why did you reply to me?

Cuz you have a faint scent of beans…

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I haven’t eaten beans for quite a while, but okay.

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Just to add to the AESA talks (not that I have anything new to add), I do think people overestimate its impact. I mean we have current stuff in the game that’s still constantly being reworked and changed. I’d bet good money AESA will not be introduced in its final form and will be further tweaked over time.

I think it’s within the realm of possibility that it could be considered historical as it’s not complete fabrication. Plus, there’s already the precedent with franken combinations of technologies anyway.

Though even with J/APG-1 prototype, there’s the convenient possibility that it could be modeled in a nerfed state.

I’m starting to suspect the F-2 airframe would be Gripen levels at the very least due to their FBW wizardry on the leading edge flaps (ME) and higher wing loading with better T/W. I’d think the Gripen would be better in a sustained turn fight but nobody does that in RB with mouse aim, instead opting to full pull as much as the instructor allows. In that regard both the Gripen and F-2 have +12g limit so they should pull similar AoA, I’d imagine.

I will say all these “leaks” putting F-2 in there give me hope as it also would be a full year after AJ and then there’s this:


So I have my fingers crossed. However, I’m also not holding my breath as anything could change and even if those leaks are correct, it doesn’t mean it has to be this next update either. We know the F-2 is coming after all. We just don’t know when. Though I do agree fully that the best time for XF-2A and F-2 early is before ARH as they’re limited to just SARH missiles and we already have the AAM-3.


Yeah i mean early F-2 with just sparrows…its questionable how competitive it will be with fox 3 slingers flying around…my only other guess is that they will go a slightly non historical route and give early F-2s fox 3s…but idk


Yak-41 set the precedent, there’s no reason we shouldn’t get an XF-2 with APG-68 if it was bought and intended to be mounted, whether or not it ever was.


Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the sweden having better Leopard being annoying.

I just hate the 3 years argument and people somehow framing it in a way that this was exclusive to Germany.

Going back to the Abrams examples. There was a 3 years wait for a marginally better M1A2, in the form of the SEPv1 and then another 1 year for a downgraded version of said tank.

Anyone know why the profile picture was changed?
old one was so cool :(


Yeah i wanted to grind the event to get that cool Profile picture but guess i’ll have more free time

France, Italy, China all get tech tree versions of US designed, designated, and built aircraft which either aren’t available in the US tree, or are event premiums (M8 LAC, AV-8B, and H-34)

Do you have any information about when the additional center-pylon was added on the HAL Jags? I cant seem to find any information about it

Chinese players really didn’t like that a JH-7 or whatever was the one being shot down, it also didn’t make much sense to have F-16s in the background for a (British?) event


/ Can’t show a Taiwanese aircraft shooting down a Chineese Aircraft


mfw I shoot down a f-22 in my uptiered zero

(He tried to turn-fight you)

It’s possible yea. They could be waiting to skip to F-2 late so they can give it L-JDAMs too and essentially make it our “F-16C”.

Though, given the F-15J, I feel like they’re still sticking to multiple variants of a single plane.

Watch the pilot in Su-27 (the latest image made by the Chinese community)


Highly doubt T-80UE-1 is 11.3 material, its worthy of 11.7, we dont have premiums of that BR, it has to be 11.3 T-80UE which is indeed modified T-80U

Maybe this update we get upgraded Aardvark and Aardvarski
F-111D and/or F-111F

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