Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Why worthy of 11.7?

This is pretty funny ngl

Opposed to T-80U it has 3BM60, 40° horizontal targetting speed, 2nd gen thermal.
Rounds and targetting speed are things alone holding T-80U back from 11.7

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and armor

Id not be surprised by Su-24. Its a good addition that adds to the soviet tree, without affecting ARB balance too much. That is assuming no ARH though

Armour is fine, it has typical T series weakspots however it can be penned to hull by DM53 which is still fine as Opposed to T-80BVM it’s turret is better.
With these things it would be even.
Though ideally i would move T-80BVM and newly added tanks with some exceptions.

I anticipate very few new top tiers for ARH update, probably no unique craft at all in the 12.7 bracket since almost everything there will be getting a major improvement already.

I’m hoping for a rank 7/8 strike aircraft expansion and as per usual the F101 and 106 being added around the F104

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Yep, though if they add the R-77, then id not necessarily expect the Su-24. Perhaps I could have worded that differently.

But yeah, Id love some interesting mud movers in the near future. Id love the Buc S2B.

The two aren’t really connected at all.

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Maybe not, but ARH update is going to be a big update. Likely with not that many new aircraft. The only exception being dedicated ARH carriers like the FA2 and ICE.

So if there is an ARH update. Then the likelyhood of non-ARH aircraft is more minimal in my opinion.

Could happen, but something like the Su-24 Id expect as the centre peice of a non-ARH update.

Unless it was just tacked on as a secondary addition.

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In terms of new content, it will probably be pretty relatively low key, most nations already have a plane that can get one.

Doesn’t really mean there will or won’t be other planes like the Su-24.


XF-2 was produced as F-2, so Yak-141 means nothing to your claim.
Yak-141 also never set any precedent, ever. Yak-141 is just following the rules that haven’t changed since 2013.
Ho-229 and Kikka set the rules, not Yak-141.

Yes most counties got new aircraft in the last update as Smin keeps saying it’s unlikely they will get another this soon.

So looks like this update will be a ground one.


But based as hell though another Swedish Leo via Denmark and a Finnish BMP

The precedent is more, if it can do it, it isn’t out of the question.

You yourself mentioned the same thing with AIM-9M and F-15J earlier. It’s a similar situation.


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Yak-141 and Ho-229 are identical in rules set. Both using production equipment including the AP belt for Ho-229.
AIM-9Ms listed in a manual isn’t a radar set nor countermeasures.

T-80UE-1 for the win.
Wonder what T-90 Early would even mean.
Version with Agava-2 ?

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I should clarify that I’m more talking about if it’s possible, not with whatever is referred to the Yak-141 (unless it’s also talking about the same thing).

The precedent is that even if a vehicle doesn’t use it in production, if it could, it’s fair game to implement as such for gameplay reasons.

F-15J could use AIM-9M, if they purchased them. Likewise, XF-2A could use the AN/APG-68, even if it didn’t end up using them and it was planned to use it if the J/APG-1 wasn’t ready by testing time.