Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Ah, yes, because the Centauro II will definitely be a premium.

Also didn’t gromv said hold on to our belts or something as that is interpreted as a poop show amount of premiums which this is though most of this seems unfinished

I am holding onto my copium that it means a new nations is coming.

Another Leo 2A4…

Singaporean this time.

Well, I have my doubts but the fact we’ve had two 2A4s on these “leaks” I’m well to believe we have a high chance of getting one.


It looks like someone is trying to translate into Russian)

Not the greatest translation, I take?

Green. Makes sense.


I am surprised to see F-2 and Type 90 premium in a lot of these.

Usually these kind of stuff is never consistent and all over the place.

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That is true and the Leo though people can’t make it’s mind up who it belongs too.
But yea it can’t be Singaporean as that breaks the Commonwealth rule lol

Obj.277? Interesting. An Obj 279 for the masses is going to be OP.

F-2, Type 90 and Leo 2A4(from anyone but Germany) seem to be extremely common between all of these

I think it’s safe to say these all but coming.


Well not an F-2 but an F-16 via gszabi’s take by looking at the model than the file name

I want to believe, but I’m not holding my breath till I see that dev server/blog.

Well, it’s possible they think it’s not an F-2 because it’s not using the F-2 paint too? Maybe XF-2A with demonstration camo if it’s actually textured. I’d be surprised if people can tell what an F-2 looks like without the blue camo.

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These “premium bonuses” under each tech sound rather strange, plus “finished models are located below” in Russian you would write it easier/shorter imo without the word “приведены”, though maybe I’m just nitpicking.

How would “premium bonuses” here translate directly into English?

It could also be a case of people copying from other lists, could it not? I’d like to see these leaks naval units since people can’t seem to fake those convincingly.

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Could be. Hence we I used a statement the implies it safe to assume they are coming but not that they are guaranteed.

Also Indeed I’d like to see the rest of the leak myself.

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In Russian you would use just “прем” or “премиум”. I doubt anyone would write “премиум бонусы”, maybe it’s a translation from Chinese, Japanese or Korean)

And the direct translation is…?

From English to Russian
Premium bonuses = премиум бонусы or премиумные бонусы