Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Germany hypothetically getting another leopard 2 with good hull armor while France, Italy, Israel, Britain and to a lesser extend the US are still way behind even the current Strv 122s/2A7V.

Please kill me if this turns out true.

EDIT: also please not another US top tier vehicle that is forced to take some useless ERA package that will never be of any help and will kill it’s mobility.

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Reject top tier, return to monk- I mean 6.0-9.3 xD

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It’s already in the game.

Devblogs starting tommorow perhaps?

It’s actually quite confusing since AMX in the original variant we’ve got isn’t a trainer. There is a special configuration called AMX-T and we already have such advanced trainers made from attackers, for example event Jaguar E and even just advanced trainers with CAS capabilities.

I felt that it is trying to hint more LIFT trainers, or another variant of the AMX as an event/premium.

God I hope though they rarely post on a Monday

Yea they rarely post stuff on Mondays so I wouldn’t expect it. Maybe Tuesday? I think devblog seasons usually start Fridays though.

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Considering is nearly march I doubt they’d start so far into the week tbh if they did that then the week after would have the dev server/ stream really next to the expected launch date

We’re only roughly halfway through February; we’re not nearly at March.

Honestly this time is really strange comparing last year (December 2022 and March 2023).

We got the December update early and while it had good stuff in it, the amount of content we got was actually on the smaller side. On top of that the dev server was very short and the update felt kind of rushed. Teaser/dev stream were 1 day early as well.

If we follow the same cadence as last year, we should have had a dev stream already and already be on the dev server, the following week having it updated and the week after the update releasing potentially last week of February (since the December update was 1 week early).

This 2 week extra gap between the updates makes me think the update is going to be large content wise and grom’s comments about premium packs also reinforces that idea, IMO. This doesn’t even have to be an ARH update which is more of a “minor” thing like the RWR rework.

You can’t say that updates are early when you don’t know when they’re planned to be released.

I mentioned compared to last year, which is important as 2022 is when we started accelerating with F-14A.

My point stands.

I never claimed to know when the update is, just where it would be if they followed their pacing of last year. In other words, extrapolating what little data we have.

Updates have released further off from what people expected in the past, meaning that there is no early or late; there is only when they release, and nothing else.

So you’re saying nobody should comment on when the update could be or speculate because nobody know can ever know?

Apparently we can’t note and discuss oddities in release schedules I guess.

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No, I am not saying that. I am saying that you shouldn’t make assumptions about whether or not something is early or late. I never said anything about talking about when the update is released/will release.

All I’m saying is “based on prior year” this is when we should expect things, but that always has the disclaimer of “anything can happen in development” and things can change. It’s merely just a baseline for discussion.

I think we’re allowed to speculate on these things for the sake of discussion, no?

Once again, I never said anything about when the update is released/will release, only that you cannot know if something is early or late unless you get explicit confirmation from a dev.