Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Which vehicles do you know are coming?

almost every leak list contains F-4F ICE tbh

the two most credible leaks we have don’t mention it at all.


Well, judging from where the Japanese ships of this type are placed, Pre-Dreadnought Battleships would fit in at Rank IV and could be useful to bolster countries with more limited options in terms of Battleships such as USSR/Russia, who only really have 2 or 3 new classes of battleship to come.

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Crazy that someone actually thinks Gaijin would give us a new strategic bomber.

Ukraine makes up a large proportion of the player base, even if they aren’t as vocal as we English speakers or other Europeans

Missing a huge market of players

M8 I really doubt that

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Rather than a sub-tree, might pull an israel and just need them to research a set tier in the USSR

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Large proportion may be the wrong terms, but like a noticeable/appreciable amount of players.
You would notice Ukraine if you looked at the statistics, those players don’t get lost in the noise

Don’t assume that being confident is being mad.
I never said that the Magachs are 100% unique, just that they are different enough to be considered unique.
I did not miss the message. I was correcting a statement you made, not speaking on behalf of Gaijin.

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Must’ve been the russian cc leak then. damn.

Like what stats ?

No one has stats on how many play from what nations.

Though it’s a given the US, Britain and Russia are in the top three.

CA550EED18867DEB99CE4B7587CCEAAF yeah it was. Damn. Couldve swore it was the chinese one. I need the f4f ice damnit.


I strongly disagree.

It would be a repeat of how China was implemented, PRC and ROC sharing the same tree, which was a mistake IMO.

These are geopolitical enemies IRL, with very different military planning and technology. Their vehicles look nothing alike, and have no connection to each other at all except originating from the same peninsula.

It would also further ruin ground and air simulator modes, which pitch “western” and “eastern” nations against each other.

With no markers you instead identify the enemy by how their vehicle looks…which wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that eastern and western tanks are on the same team! For example US M48 fighting Chinese (ROC) M48.

Obviously the ROC M48 is supposed to be fighting alongside US M48, so do you see the problem here?

South and North Korea would be the same situation all over again, Shermans and T-34, M48 and T-54 clone etc.

While we might agree that SK deserves more than being a subtree, I don’t think a united Korea TT makes sense, technology-wise nor politically.


Why flag. I took time out of my day to write this.

Yea this is fake in so many ways

but I need f4f ice.

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F4F- ICE my beloved

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While I agree with you 100% on this, Gaijin has killed ground sim years ago. There isn’t a single BR where you don’t have to pray the Sherman or M26 or M48 or M60 is on your team, and that isn’t even going into air sim either.


If there is already a large Ukrainian population in the player base, they aren’t really missing a huge market of players, are they?

Yeah, that might be wishful thinking on my part, that Gaijin can somehow fix sim. You’re right, sadly.

Still, I hold firm my opinion that NK and SK don’t make sense as TT partners. They’re just too different to form a cohesive tree. I honestly feel NK is a better fit for China TT than anything to do with SK.