Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I never said play a vehicle that’s ass? I said play the Type 74G. Or simply play the fucking tree instead of being part of the ODL problem.

In fact, I think I’m going to go play the 9.3 lineup right now, this talking about it reminded me how much fun it is.

Ok cool and the Type 74 G is ass for a premium and in all my time playing this game I can use one tank and still do better than 99% of my team as everyone that ends up buying a premium is a level 1 I use backups I’m waiting until there’s a better option no need to lose your mind over something so simple and honestly who can be asked to grind from tier 1 to tier 8 nobody with actual time.

My play style is rush into the battle and go gun blazing type 74g is just to slow

I’m alive! irl k/d ratio still 0/0. Now gimme some moar leaklist after i got rid of that leaky appendix.


So you failed to kill any of the doctors? Need to try harder next time :P

Welcome back


Uh-huh, sure thing buddy. I hold you to that when I see you ODL because you’re playing a premium with no lineup because you don’t like the rest of the tree.

Unfortunately we don’t have any new leak lists. I ended up posting a wishlist as I didn’t have the source a bit ago and that’s all we really had since you left.

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I have a fake leaklist for you:

Kugarnets-25 (57mm)
EBRC Jaguar
Leclercs XLR
IJN Nagato


Seeing a TDD in a game is like seeing an honest politician.

South Africa is the subTT that gave us the most unique things and yet is probably the least popular.

Now I will ask again:

Unique things or copy and paste with another flag?

My analysis tries to be objective, as always. I’m not talking here, the facts are talking.

Glad to see your still with us my friend o7

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I know its a fake list, but please don’t play with my heart like that

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I got a leak

Judging by popularity is the nation with more people to play.

Finland and Hungry or both European nations with not only lots of people who can play WT they are also popular.

Over SA which doesn’t have many online and doesn’t fit the UK.

Like I skipped the line because it didn’t feel right and there is more then a few who did that as well with my talk with UK mains.

I’ve said before if it was a different nation(like Australia and you all know the outcome if it was the other one) I’d most likely would have do it will I was actively grinding.


This is also why a Czecho-Polish combo tree would be great for the markets

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He needs to turn that frown upside down.

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oh yeah, finally a leak

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I mean hell I’ve brought the Su 25K because it was Czech and the pre order skin was awesome.

It’s the only top tier jet I’ve pre ordered iirc

That is the point. The first sub-tree was a failure for the snail, because it required a lot of effort and bore little fruit. Netflix’s algorithms taught us that things have changed. Before, a film director made a film, according to his personal tastes, and then prayed for success. Now, first they make sure what will be a popular hit and then they do it. They give people what people ask for.

The common battle on the WT forum is: unique vehicles versus popular vehicles.

South Africa: many unique, little-known vehicles without much history.
Israel: Very few unique vehicles (only the Merkava is 100% unique), but very popular for its history and wars.

Result: Israel is a TT and South Africa a subTT.

Maybe gaijin isn’t lazy as we think, maybe Alpha Jet isn’t as popular as some of us here think… idk.

I can bet on this, when the Alphajet show up in dev blog, you can find people crying ‘junk plane, German CAS sucks, Russian bias’ blablabla


love of my life :(

it is so beautiful