Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

T-80UD doesnt just have its own engine, it has its own unique transmission to equip an engine, a continuation of engines that were put onto T-64, but I think it has only -4 km/h reverse speed.

At the cost of… you might guess it; according to the findings from Soviet era manual previously shown on the old forum, T-80UD only has -4.2kph reverse, just like all non gas-turbine MBTs.

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Wouldn’t it have -8, or is the -4 figure also applicable to some T-64/80 variants?

Assuming you are on a Russian built T-80A, B, U, you are at -12; on the other hand, if yours are from Kharkov, it’s -4.2kph (6TD didn’t introduce side transmission until Sino-Pakistani-Ukrainian MBT2000)

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Aha, that is good to know.
Thank you!

My dream tree

Come to me Skoda T-21

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I mean, you kinda have it in the Turan.
I’d love to see more proper Czechoslovak vehicles though, especially the artillery.

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Yea ever since I heard the Turans were based on the T-21 I began to research all of the Czech pre war mediums and my god I so want them now

Lovely but what about D.523, D.524 and D.525?


@Mahiwew I truly believe Czecho-Polish tree will be next as it ticks all of the rules for a potential new nation

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Czech TT with Polish sub tree or vice versa is the best option we have for next TT


T-80UD was a project embarked on by KhTZ towards the end of the Soviet Union to find a cheaper way to produce a T-80 without the expensive GTD turbine. Going to have the barebones first gen 6-TD, similar (but inferior to) the MBT-2000. Engine deck for both vehicles will be very similar, and look at lot like the T-64B’s engine deck as well.

Russia inherited a good chunk of them, however the majority went to/stayed with Ukraine. Technology was never transferred to Russia on how to produce them on scale, so Russia has toyed with the idea of their own “UD” model for the last 25 years or so without adopting a replacement diesel engine that would be worth a massive overhaul.

The T-80UD served as the base model for the Ukrainians to begin building their unique tanks off of, such as the T-84. But a base T-80UD would be Soviet not Ukrainian.

The only thing Russia has ever done with their T-80UD is take parts from them to keep T-80U and irs modifications in service, as well as making 30 T-80UE-1 tanks, which take the turret from T-80UD.

And as for ZBD04 or 04A… if that’s the case for a certain leak, it would have been almost 5 years until PLAGF/ROCA earn their autocannon IFV; from a sophomore all the way to my current days working as kitchen helper


Something for Japan at all?

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Hostisly a New Nation (TT) sounds nice as it will be something different than more sub-trees. A good change of pace.

Well, I’d like certain full “Blue” nations I’ve been sold on a Warsaw nation like Poland or Checkslovzia as our next nation.

It’s pretty much the end of JGSDF for the time being without considering for TKX of Type 90 unless they build the APS version Type 10 within the game’s life cycle…

Gib f4f ice or gib me death.

its the end for sweden as well lol

Nah. They served in multiple victory day parades as well. I’m not sure if they’ve seen combat, but considering the UM-2 appears to have been lost in a certain place in a certain conflict, I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if they wound up there too. 4 T-80UE-1’s were abandoned in that conflict and recovered by the Ukrainians, and those are just as rare as the UD. Further, perhaps a certain non-state actor may have come into possession of some Ukrainian T-80UD’s and used them too.

I can’t conclusively say that the T-80UD has not ever been used, nor is not in use at all in the armed services of the Russian Federation.