Really hope the IS-3M won’t be a premium, but that would make sense going by gaijin and their captured vehicle logic but fingers crossed it could be a gap filler…
Hell I could be dead wrong that’s fine…just makes more sense in my mind that here’s the tutorial for Fox 3’s because everyone…or most everyone has them now…not just one nation on two jets.
Not like people would buy it anyways, as op as the IS3 is its not standing a chance against HEAT or ATGM and CAS at that BR similar to other doomsday heavies.
the amraams have been promised for this or the next patch. But what you are saying is that the phoenix missle, thats already in the game, does not deserve a tutorial, specialy when there is so many US premium rushers, which absolutly need that tutorial.
Besides that you seem to be missing that a bunch of different ordenances are receiving tutorials, they are just finishing up the last needed tutorials
Those people rarely even know there are tutorials though
Not missing any of what you are saying, yep there are other weapons in there…but my point from my last comment still stands…guess we can agree to disagree 🙃
i guess its possible but still a bit higher than most
they could just give it B+ armor package protection levels or something like on PSO.
Yea though tbf the last update with rank 8 ground was abit eh I would assume they would add alost more this update
again, its a sheet of metal mock up, gajin never gives stronger armor, if anything that always gives nerfed
Could that mean we are getting a sub tree? Thailand?
bunch of rank 7 ground premiums
Man… thailand would be great for japan…
New nation rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee
Seriously tho minor nations need some love next patch…
i kinda felt that way too, but im just skeptical cus this list almost feels too good to be true
minor nation, is such a bad describtion honestly. You are saying sweden needs love lol.
Italy arguably as well got a lot of stuff over the last year
cause its fake lol, it has a bunch of weird, wrong unbelievable things named
Ok, specificly I mean Japan, Israel, China, France