Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Even Germany has yet to get to the level of strength of Sweden at top tier with their volume of highly armored MBTs with their three Strv 122s, CAS now aswell with the Gripen and also light tank options with the CV90120 or the Strf 9040C

Yep Scharnhorst wad the worst possible 7.0 BC they could’ve chose for Germany (in terms of balance). Her turtleback can exceed the effective thickness of Hoods belt+turtleback combined.

IMO they should have added the laid down Ersatz-Yorck/Mackensen ships as they would have thinner belts and are what HMS Hood was designed to be on par with.

Let alone the lack of most WW1 BC’s.


Strasbourg would be nice counter to the scharnhorst for the french. A T47 class destroyer would bring their destroyers on par with russian cold war 1950-80’s destroyers and US high dpm destroyers as long as they give french T47 class destroyers SAP. Even the De grasse/colbert aa cruisers that are similar to the HMS tiger/lion too. France is also missing 5.0-5.7 domestic attack aircraft like the sncase SE.117 Voltigeur, Sipa S.1100, and MD 410 Spirale. all of which could receive their ss11 ss12 atgm since japan got their anti ship missile prop aircraft. still would be hard to use though


I would add either buffing M829A2 oe giving M829A3.
Also SPAA’s and light tanks.
3BM59 is DU, yes.
IIRC OFL 120 F2 would nt give much so SHARD would be nice.


i’m really curious to the upcoming update. Usually we get little hints but not this time, so maybe something really changing might be coming or they desided to not give little hints this time around.

Generally hints are given for updates with something people have been waiting for so there is more hype

My guess is proper fox 3s. That or the separation of chaff/flares. They did say that it required new code written to fix it.

Seperation of Chaff and flares was stated be in patch 2 of 2024

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If Fox3s are introduced, I think that separate chaff and flare bindings are pretty much a must
Even if you use 50-50, you’ll run out of flares to counter the heaters

Strasbourg, Dunkerque and Normandie would all be good high tier battleships but nothing short of Richelieu could match the mix of armour, firepower and DPM needed to truly go toe to toe with Scharnhorst, particularly as they’d need high pen too.

I am personally of the opinion that for the French and Italian fleets some paper ships (like the Lyon’s and Alsace) would be acceptable.


im that case we’ll not expect AMRAAM this patch

even with fox3, I think the meta will still be all flares and hug the deck to abuse multipathing.

M829A3 will perform worse against pure composite armor and it will not work against Relikt at all. Don’t see the point of adding it.

Yeah if it ain’t modelled correctly

Nah, it won’t penetrate Relikt, it will still penetrate K5, I don’t see the problem about it addiing it

the 3BM59 have only 2mm more pen than the 3BM60…

The L28 have lesser penetration than the L27A1

ones DU the other Tungsten

the L28 is for export and have lesser penetration than the L27A1, the L27A1 is DU and the L28 is tungsten which have lesser penetration power

Was for export