Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


I am a naval enthusiast, I REALLY am. I adore capital ship combat, Battleships, etc…

But, for a while, Naval Top Tier has been unplayable because, for whatever reason, Gaijin has been handholding and powercreeping Germany while leaving other nations unattended to different degrees.


In that regard this is what that other naval game does somewhat right…not sure if that would be possible in WT though being able to balance how many ship types in a battle not much we can do there other then BRs being adjusted…maybe

I think the issue is that in that game, you have 1 ship. In this game , you can have a full line up. But people don’t have to spawn in the biggest ship they have or spawn in it at all.

Not too mention the compression where you technically have radically different classes of ships essentially at the same BR

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Particularly as a Brit main I can cope with us having a less than meta air and ground, but naval just bruh.

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God just imagine the future…a full team of Yamatos or…iowas…or vanguards…vs…the other team full of DDs, cruisers and maybe one or 2 BBs yikes




Yeah… Not looking forward to those days. They will come eventually

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Fleet… How beautiful it is
Here is a beautiful cinematic



The ship seems to be moving sideways to the right ^^

So most likely next week is when dev blogs start right? around the right time…

Oh so that’s where the Americans learned it from!



This scene was so stupid xD

Even if the drift was “possible”, from where it was when doing it, it should not be able to end on full flank of the target x)

Looked like the ship make a TP from hundreds of meters



cant people wait for fricking the 22 of february jeez

Well I just found out open ai Sore is a thing so at least that will distract me lol

Gimme that HMS Royal Oak right there

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Its just Scharnhorst that is the problem. Bayern and the other Imperial battleships are still good, but nothing really standout. And of course the cruisers and destroyers are all second rate. Really, if it wasn’t for Scharnhorst the thing Germany would have going for it is volume of battleships (again for some reason they have so many)
If Mutsu is coming then, depending on the year represented, she may end up being just as annoying as Scharnhorst.

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WT naval is in general in a poor state. I can’t call myself a real naval enjoyer, usually play it when I want to have a bit different experience compared to other tech, I only have the Italian naval lines and few ships/boats in other nations.

  • Small naval playerbase is split between arcade and realistic (I prefer RB because it gives me slower gameplay which I actuallly want from naval);
  • map/gamemodes design is very strange (overcrowded open spawn areas, 3 points which you can barely achieve in slow BBs, 1 big point at which you hardly influence winning and etc), naval in WT is basically tank battles on the flat surface with lower influence of CAS;
  • overpowered AI anti-aircraft;
  • coastal fleet being in a weird spot (mostly either useless or just annoying);
  • questionable balance and mixed MM;
  • much lower reward for bots (which especially bad in my timezone since I barely have players in battles).

Yep, came face to face with 2 Scharnhorsts in the Renown this evening. Suffice to say that

A) we lost that match
B) I didnt survive very long

Naval is cringe sadly, and its due to snail syndrome.