Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

People really do love to bring in strawman arguments here. I not only didn’t mention historical matchmaking, but the hypothetical I presented actively goes against it. On top of that, ARH missiles are not these all-powerful weapons of mass destruction that you seem to think they are, and you are not very bright if you think the IRIS-T is not years away.

Sure sounds like USA vs Germany matchmaking to me there, bub

Strawman argument.

You might as well just admit you’re too stupid to make something that isn’t a ‘hyper’-dogfighter work and therefore it’s addition is pointless in your eyes. The F-4F ICE is going to be plenty competitive when it’s added it just won’t be winning any duelist tournaments.

Another strawman. I never once said that it won’t be at least somewhat competitive (given that it isn’t added at top BR), just that it will be at a disadvantage.

I mean, the polish leopard 2 pl would have the same problem

That being said, since the f4f ice doesnt have hmd, the iris-t would come in a naturaly heavy nerfed state

If your insane sure.

People said the same thing about A2A missiles in general, yet completely forget that 30G missiles were in the game before countermeasures. Or radar missiles before RWR. AMRAAMs are coming within the next 2 patches, modern IR missiles are not some far off addition.

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The IRIS-T is one of the best IR missiles in the world. Jumping from where we’re at to that would be like jumping from AIM-9Bs to AIM-9Ms.

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It’s really not. The next missiles to come as far as IR are concerned are likely going to start appearing in around 1 year, and likely on ‘poor’ platforms first as has been the way of things. Assuming the F-4F ICE comes this patch, with 120s and 9Ms it will have comparable kit to everything currently at top tier, and in a years time, the IRIS-T would allow it to keep up with whatever is top tier at that time.

I really like to see F16I sufa
with aim120 and python 4

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Very much incorrect. There are a bunch of missiles between where we’re at and the IRIS-T, including but not limited to the Python-4, Sky Sword I, and R-74, and if you seriously think Gaijin will speedrun through them after taking two thirds of a year to go from the AIM-9L and R-60M to the AIM-9M and R-73, you are not the tastiest crayon in the pencil case.

because I know that derby is too advanced

we went from 9H/R-60M and 70s aircraft to 9M/R-73 on 90s Aircrafts in 14 months

I just love how you replied your own post.
But sure, Python 4’s would be cool. What do they add over the 3?

Given current aircraft are already using 9M as a placeholder because they don’t want to give out IRIS-T, yes. I think they will be added around the same time as the follow on generation from 9Ms and R-73s is virtually unflarable, undodgeable IR missiles of various launch envelopes and max ranges. I don’t see them slowing down for missile that only benefit 1 nation at a time to have a pointless spotlight. 9X, ASRAAM, IRIS-T, Python-5, R-74 all likely coming around the same time, yearish is my estimate

thank you :))))

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Not only is the R-74 quite a bit worse than those others, but also no aircraft has AIM-9Ms as a placeholder for IRIS-Ts. This should be common sense.

thr Gripem got AiM-9M but in reality it only had 9L and IRIS-T