Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Lol prob, yeah

Always too high

It’ll be a 1.7 pre-order for the half-baked French coastal tree.


Definitely possible, last time they started off strong with the Rank 7 premiums, and they do like to unload pre orders early

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I wouldn’t be surprised if they do the same as Sweden and not reveal it until the dev stream if there is a new nation.

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And speed is something the F-4F ICE comes nowhere close to the 4th Gen Aircraft that will be at its BR

For me one thing isn’t clear in terms of India and not only India.
Since we have Bhisma as a squadron vehicle in the game already, if theoretically India gets standalone TT, the tank should probably be hidden, but how will they do it with a squadron vehicle?

The same as the premiums I guess m8

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Probably in the similar way to removed from research Maus (and a few other tanks), when you still can continue to research it if you’ve already invested at least a single squadron point in it.

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The way they teased the Jag was alright but this this just run rings around me

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Mach 2.3 max, compared to mach 2.5 on an F-15 is comparable. As is exceeding mach 1.1 on the deck. People act like the F-4 is some dead in the water platform when it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Particularly the E/F variants with Agile Eagle are functional enough to be competitive with everything else at top tier in the context of an ARB match. Winning or losing a 1v1 dogfight is irrelevant for 99% of top tier

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Because you see so many people flying at Mach 2 in every game, sure. The F-15 especially has WAY better acceleration and top speed at most altitudes compared to the F-4F ICE

Max speed matters very little.

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It is better, but not by a margin that isn’t made up for by missiles. The only reason I don’t take the F-4E into top tier matches anymore is they refuse to give it it’s historical modern armaments, not its flight performance.

You’re completely ignoring the fact that every top tier aircraft can run (fly?) circles around any F-4.

Not in the context of an actual match they can’t. Sure in a duel they will. In a real match they will just get 3rd partied for trying

If there was only one, sure, however when there’s five F-15s converging on four MiG-29s and one F-4, I hope I don’t have to explain which side has the advantage.

Wait until you realize F-18 is mach 1.7, and mach 0.98 on the deck with AMRAAMs attached.
Granted, it’s really fastest to mach 1.4 that matters in faster AMRAAM launches.

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When was the last time ARB had historical matchmaking? LMAO. In your own scenario, the F-4 is the biggest threat to the F-15s. It’s the only one that will be carrying ARHs and at worst 9Ms but could easily be IRIS-Ts

Your not being realistic if your expecting IRIS-T to come anytime soon.