Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I just don’t get how your still here after being like of the most hated people on the forum.

Like ngl I would of left month ago


If that was posted it wasn’t a lie, it was a statement from my experience.
Both firing onto and using Pantsir.
Dunno, might’ve been a bug when I used it, granted only one missile got launched at me cause I tend to evade air detection.

Cause my positions are ultimately aligned with the WT Community’s.
Pedantic disagreements about the things we agree on isn’t going to stop me from supporting the same thing.

“in my experience X can’t do something that in reality it can”

When saying something from experience, you should say that it is from your experience rather than state it as a reality.
Anyway i probably wont engage in this conversation further, just wanted to point out that not everything people say is unflawed.


gib f4f ice.

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I guarantee that my word choice is garbage in past posts [which include recent past posts].
Grammar’s on-point, but word choice is hard at times.

Yea I really need to sleep too

My greatest concern for them though is this… How long will that be?

You are operating on an assumption that the F4 will be “replaced” by the Typhoon at the same time that other nations get equivalents. My greatest fear for them and for Britain in the F3 and FA2. Is that whilst thye might initially be strong. They could become outclassed within 1 maybe 2 major updates and it could be at least 1 probably 2 major updates between Typhoon Equivalents and the Typhoon.

So whilst the F4F-ICE would probably hold its own quite well against the current set of 12.3/12.7s if used in BVR (and assuming the ARH are everything we hope they will be). Will it still be as good against that which will come next for other nations. Does it even stand a chance?

Im fulling expecting the FA2 and F3 to be DOA at top tier within 1 to 2 major updates of them being added. With the only fun coming from downtiers that dont really exist at top tier in ASB.


People who think the F-4F ICE is in any way a contemporary to the upcoming ARH carriers are delusional. Its the flying brick facing delta-canard fighters with more thrust, with no HMD

I don’t care if it’s bad. I’ve waited too long. I desire the suffer bus.

I am the same for the Sea Harrier FA2.


I’m sticking with next Winter give or take one major.
Also it wouldn’t be replaced, Typhoon and F-15C MSIP are obviously superior to F-16C & F-4F ICE in BVR.
BVR with AARHs Is all about speed and booming if you get close; learned that from DCS and its many many players.

There’s only one delta-canard fighter so far, and it’s gonna remain that way at 12.7 - 13.0 permanently really.
I’m calling the rest are 13.3 - 13.7.

Me still waiting for the av8b in the U.S. tree feels that too.

I want it too, but we have RazorVon claiming it can be enough until the EF2000 comes in 3 years

Im guessing with ARH that will come at last

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He also thinks that the F-4F ICE is as good as the F-16C.

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I don’t think it’ll be quite that long tbh. I could see tranche 1 eurofighter by the end of the year at the rate the snail is progressing. I doubt we’ll see it until spring of next year though. They like to give Germany a fighter in the spring patch. They’ve done that like 3 years in a row i think now.

Right. and im still predicting the F-15C MSIP could be as early as June or Sep assuming ARH come this March.

Exactly. IF the F-15C MSIP does come long before the Typhoon, it could be 3-6 months of F4F-ICE and FA2 vs F-15C MSIP. which would not be fun.

Again. We had this conversation before. War Thunder is not DCS.


IIRC Smin said they have no plans to add the Eurofighter for the foreseeable future, so at least 1-2 years of development out

*In BVR using AARHs.
Not dogfights, which aren’t going to be as major.

Dude, Typhoon’s not coming in 3 years.
Try 1 year.

F-15C MSIP is equivalent to Typhoon, so no. Too advanced.

Gripen C with AMRAAM will have better radar, HMD, better performance, etc. Only thing the F4F-Ice will hold the advantage in is raw AAM count