Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

You mean Defyn’s take.
By all means hop in your SMT if you have one and fight me.

Razor’s back with changing his story and trying to deflect blame. Always gives a laugh.


At least we share that opinion, that alvis is a bit delusionaland with a bit i mean a lot.
Having him blocked is a blessing.
Did he try pinging/replying to me again or sth?
That guy seems to love me and doesnt want to check he is blocked permanently


He did.

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Aint suprised he seems a bit slow

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Guys I want to sleep not to have fun 😂

Nope, story’s still identical.
I always cited where I got the idea that F-4E/F are equivalent dogfighters to Mig-29SMT from Defyn.

I see Shini posted gaslighting and projection again.

I thought that RazerVon alt was you otherwise how can you see the other person

If you’re asking about thermal generation then no, Mk2 were never equipped with 2nd or better gen thermals. I heard that Mk2D was potentially equipped with new FCS but no mention of better thermals.

About better thermals on Merkava 3 tho:


Really… I guess sincerity is lying to you.

Using alt accounts on the forums is a rule violation punishable by banning.
I have no alternative account for any social media.

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Two people are wrong, then. What’s new?

I don’t believe ya but we will soon see

lol Ah yes, an air RB player better than both of us combined is wrong… definitely. /s

I tested his claims and it was verified.
You however likely haven’t dogfaught an F-4E using a Mig-29SMT yet.

I reported the dude for being an obvious alt account.
I’m curious if the OG owner will get slapped as well; I hope they do.

Being good at something doesn’t make one intelligent or right, as evidenced by the fact that he (and you) think that the F-4F ICE is as good as the MiG-29SMT.

today he said that Tejas is superior to Rafale. I think he was trolling or it’s just an improved version of the original Razer (no offense Alvis lol)


Ether way we don’t believe him hehe

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People misremembering my takes and then claiming my repeating of my takes is me changing my story is getting old though.
Like off the top of my head… I love large maps. I get many of my takes from other players more skilled than I. 2S38 should be 10.3.
Of course, this is off-topic but apparently some people forget I made these takes months ago.

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There are zero examples of my posts containing lies on this forum. Honesty requires no effort and I prefer no effort.

Case in point.


“pantsir can’t shoot down missiles”