Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Also that LCH, looks kinda resembling to a komanche, but its most likely a premium to farm Indian patriotism.

What are you talking about??

See above: one of the new event rewards is a profile pic which features a JH-7 getting downed by F-16 pilots. Usually people just say meh gaijin dislikes China but it happenes to be in the event featuring an Indian vehicle - and India never operates any F-16s.

Also its ai generated

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Can’t wait to see arjun with Penetration CUM blast round XD

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You can use the M339 on merkavas, not the juicy name but hey its quite similar

But the pilot wasnt indian. Also Pfp doesn’t always have to be related to the event vehicle.

Huzzah ol’ chap, His Majesty’s Air tree shall have not one, not two, but three super maneuverable air craft. EFT, Rafale, and the Su-30MKI.

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Please ignore them unless they bomb the forum💀



I dont think so. It’s clearly human made


If we count really hard into the colonial holdings, malaysia operates a handful of Su-30MKMs

F-15SG as well

Smashing indeed


Benefits of colonizing half of the world.

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The visors of the pilot lacks a distinct edge, both the aircrafts outside of the pilots has no insignia or roundel, and lastly the F-16 cockpit is a weird mix between the one and two seaters.
Human editing still exists.

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Respectfully, I’m hoping they make the MKM a USSR premium if it doesn’t get the Yak-141 treatment for SAPSAN/SAPSAN-E or a Damocles pod. USSR needs a thermal pod at some point.

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To me that destroyed aircraft doesn’t look like a JH7. Also what’s the point of getting triggered by a mere pfp?

Let me summon some Indian players 😁

It features a white camo and black radar cover, rectangular intake that does not have the same height as the fuselage and top mounted wings. If we look closely enough it also has 4 pairs of pylons.

Usually people would not care much about it and get on with the grind, but now the pilot becomes the problem, where he is portrayed as a South Asian. The only country that operates F-16s in the region is Pakistan, a close ally to China politically.

Combined this with the tendencies of gaijin wanting to use Chinese vehicles as targets and the laziness of generating profile pictures, no wonder people are upset.


If you look closely you can see it has 3 inlets (AI made mistake). It’s like a mix of F16 and JH-7

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