Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Noooooo what makes you say that, the T80 mobility, the T80 armour or the superior to DM53 L55A1 pen or maybe even all 3 at 10.0

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Which sounds fair, until you realize that Chinese vehicle were almost always the target, when they do appear.
A-10 Trailer
Sons of Atilla trailer
Art by Russian warthunder facebook, it received extreme backlash and was subsequently taken down:

Edit: in APEX Predators as well
The only 2 exceptions in the recent 2 years are the PLZ83 in Kings of Battle teaser and J-8F in La Royale teaser.


I say again, the T-90 Bhishma should’ve been the rare event vehicle

Why though? Chinese are winning here. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Everyone gets their fair share of getting bonked, even Russia has to and F for Sergey. Yet it is worryingly rare for something from China to appear and to not explode violently.


poor Sergey

What did I miss? Any leak? Dev blog?

This new Indian aircraft is still 45,000,But I’m at work💀

Jaguar IS event vehicle for UK with Magic II AAMs and GBUs

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Too many tasks?


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If you do 15K high to top tier that will get you the 45K in sim apparently

Looks like india is staying in UK. So we can expect rafale for UK

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Give it before france gets it 😁

I doubt it to be honest as Rafale will co-incide with the EF typhoon and imo theres no need for UK to have Both of the best of Euro Delta canards.

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Quick lets discuss about French vehicles to Britain before hyrikul gets here

I mean its based off an Israeli design but thats based off a French one, and I mean the Atlas cheetah

France can get EFT as well.

France has already got not only another event Jag but also a Mirage 2000 which I don’t get why that French dude was having a thing over this jag.

All because it has Magic 2

No reason to imo as it would just make take away from both TT’s.

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Additionally, gaijin does tends to make sure its the IRL enemies. Nobody gives a crap if its a leclerc or ariete popping open a VT-4, but Indian or Taiwanese? Another topic.


LCA is also very good