Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Germany can’t get any sub trees due to already having five lines.

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Again, not necessarily a deal breaker. It cant get a Sub-TT line. But there is no reason why Sub-TT vehicles cant be added into pre-existing lines. Like the Gripen was for Britain Air tree. Despite having 5 lines already.

If the Swiss do use a lot of Germany vehicles already, then it would be adding Swiss Variants or adding Swiss Vehicles as Premiums like Norway is for Sweden (iirc).

A sub-TT doesnt necessarily mean they need a dedicated line for their vehicles. Quite frankly, if that is a hard requirement, then many nations may never ever get added.

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The ZA JAS39C is not part of a sub tree. Sub trees are by definition entire lines, not just a handful of vehicles.

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Where do Norwegian vehicles get placed in War Thunder?

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Sweden. That does not, however, mean that there is a Norwegian sub tree. By that logic, there is a Bangladeshi sub tree in the Chinese ground tree, and a Syrian and Egyptian one in Russia’s trees.

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Right. Except Id not expect Norwegian vehicles to be placed in any other TTs going forward. The same could be true for Swizterland and Germany. They have not yet officially stated its the offiical home for Swiss Vehicles, but they have also not officially ruled it out either.

Unless they have officially stated that Germany will never ever get a Sub-TT due to having 5 lines for air and ground already. Then you cant know for sure that they wont get one in the future. Following the Norwegian model of a sub-nation.

and if we list export vehicles, we’ll be here all day

They have said it, not only for Germany, but for British air as well. On top of this, the Swiss Hunter was said to have been added purely to give a CAS aircraft around that BR, which comes with the implication that it is the exception and not the rule.

Its not bad, but i have no hope for su27/F15/18 for Germany, which were trialed
I really want to finally have a good NATO aircraft for germany, but i dont believe in Gaijin…
So the easiest way is foreign vehicles till the time of Euro fighter coming

The worst i could see is F4 Ice

F4F-ICE is almost guaranteed I think.

A new fighter was said to be in development for Germany, and during the Air Superiority Russian stream, it was said that it may have come in that update, and since it didn’t it should be coming next update. What it will be is a complete mystery, however an F/A-18, whether Swiss or otherwise, would be quite nice.

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It’s going to come eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later, but we all know how much Gaijin hates German air) since it’s the last Germany service fighter until the Typhoon, so it is guaranteed.

Likely as their first AMRAAM carrier

And its sad
Hope it wont be higher than 12.0 - 12.3

I’m very much hoping they go the route of only adding ARH missiles to third gen and lesser performing fourth gen platforms first, but that wouldn’t make as much money, unfortunately.

12.0 is where it should be. Very bad flight performance, however good missiles.

Wouldn’t work for all nations, If that is still their plan

Smin confirmed that in the J-8F devblog, what they meant is that the J-8F would get PL-12s when other ARH missiles come, not that all nations will get them at the same time.

Unfortunately. Where is “should” be is probably not going to be where it “will” be.

I see these aircraft at 12.3+ solely because of ARH. I hope I’m wrong. I would love the FA2 at 11.7 ISH
But I’m expecting it to be at least 12.3

Why would a Swiss F-18 have a place in the US air tree???


Yep, I saw that message as well. Though I’ve seen others reference that they have stated otherwise?

But even then PL12 will outclass Aim120Bs iirc