Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I had to re-read that a couple times 😂

But yes, gibb moar droptanks.

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Basically how it is, we didn’t use Abrams, and apart from the Leopards, we just used IFVs like the Coyote, the Bison, and the LAV 6.0. The different Leopard 2 variants are the 2A4 Can, 2A4M Can, 2A6M Can, 2ARV Can, and the 2AEV Can.
Also our various Leopard 1 variants.

But yeah, that’s how it is.

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The LAVs are pretty cool though


Oh absolutely, I love them


Im very excited to see them if they ever come

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Can you get a better closer picture, I’m pretty sure those are just pop up light for takeoff and landing, not DRICM jammers

Here’s the same lights in a normal Su-25

Problem is, all sensors on the SM3 are specifically called IR sensors, not jammers, which leaves me to believe it just doesn’t have such a system present

Techniclly the LAV is an APC. Canada just uses them like an IFV.


Yeah fair enough, I was just too lazy/tired to properly type it

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Minor issue the Alpha jets Canada uses are part of Top Aces, a private defence contractor that works with the RCAF.

So unless we are going back on the privet companies don’t count as Smin said before I wouldn’t count the Canadian Alpha Jets ass possible.

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Well UK ones are also privat
I thought Canada actually used them

Man I just want my f4f ice, and my event amx13-105.

Canada can be a full tree and has some really goofy stuff. (I can break out the folder if needed)

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Why is it that you want the AMX-13 105 to be an event vehicle?

I don’t have france.

So you’re selfish.

Nah, honestly it was bait and it worked.

No, you’re just selfish.


Glad you agree.