Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

You should be saying that to the other guys.

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new spookston decal, looks good ngl


says you lole

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Since the new forum this thread has become the wild west. Sheriff only comes 'round these parts when there is a shootout.

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Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1):

Yeah thinks he is a mod
It not a wishlist if i think its coming next updare with AMRAAMS
Discussion of next update is the thread


Indeed good sir indeed, Now Everybody hands up this here´s a Stickup,!

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I mean I’ve been talking about a leak and the road map here so I don’t know what you mean

My demands are simple give me the L3s & M22s and nobody gets harmed, I assure you they will be treated well and kept feed with lots of oil, fuel and spare tank threads

-Tilts hat and squints-
Listen here now, punk, best we got 'round here are discord screenshots with an F-20.

-slams AIM-9B on the saloon bar-
You gotta problem with that it’s one of them local sidewinders snakes up yur tailpipe.


And the Turkish leo 2A4

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But yea shouldn’t we be seening the air event devblog ether on Friday or Tuesday ?

As it was a week before the announcement and the start of the event

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Dunno, i’ll prob won’t have time to play it till the end so hope the reward is good enough to justify buying the last few levels.

Prob starts around 23rd or something.

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3 days are max when it comes to the breaks so that would be the 20th.

Ether way the air side would be more easier than the ground. You just need good ground pounders with good offencive weapons.

Aka the Swedish B-18 hehe

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More restricted in which dates i can play due to moving overseas. I notice ground event had lower game mode multipliers, you reckon the 3x air sim will still be there?

Can still login quickly on my laptop to buy levels though.

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I wasn’t even wishlisting, either. I was just making a joke.

He wished you were doing neither.

No fun’s allowed in these here parts, it seems.

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Please refrain from being the absolute dole bludger that you are.

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