Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

JDAM such as GBU31 and 32 are limited to the Italian One.
The list of weapons of the ASSTA3 are the following:
(That Is what Is stated by the Bundershew Site or whatever It Is )

I’m not sure why people are “presuming” a tree here. We haven’t announced any new nations or said a Turkish tree is coming.

If we have news on something to announce, we will do so via official means (website and forum blogs).


So 1 or 2 weeks and we will know if their is one or not
A new nation i mean

Sweden wasn’t announced until the dev stream, so don’t be surprised if the same thing happens for the next nation.


Ok hoping next update i get my beloved


wishlist is the other way

I mean my Turkey theory is a bit reliant on cope and reverse thinking the gaijin way

But smin is probably very surprised and be like: you good? What? Turkey?
Still, its around the time for a tree or subtree, which could just be the Hungarian air tree.


Yeah italy would get a AMRAAM plane by Gripen

The AV-8B+ is an AMRAAM capable plane, and Italy also mounted AMRAAMs on its F-16s.

Not gonna happen, we know it will end in a fulcrum because gaijin dislikes Italy

I thought they didn’t mount it to their f16s my bad

I assume the AV-8B will not but the ADF would, namely the AV-8B would be better keeping its BR for CAS.

I was more referring to a potential second F-16 being added with them, maybe an F-16B bl 15 ADF.

I have been summoned

A German is here; everyone run!

That or the F-16B BLK20 OCU, but given that it requires a new model exclusive for Italy, maybe less likely.

so Suisse F-18/F-20 talk is already over?

Yes as we would get nuked if we went back on it

Well, namely the fact that Germany got a premium last update, and another one here is weird. Yeah the F-4S, but I would say thats a special case since the TRAM is issued with all other tier 7 premiums.
As of the US it would be just a TT plane.

aren’t they planning Seperated BRs ?

iirc that was in the roadmap

stuff like the AV8B would benefit from that