Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

When kamov is “dead” he could use only cannon and unguided rockets
Now they will be able to use everything

But now i know to shoot it again
I prefer this change

Starstreaks: eh lets blow up the entire helicopter

This. This is exactly the reason I don’t play Naval anymore.

I am not exactly willing to take on TWO Bayerns and Scharnhorsts with… what, Nevada? The second best warship built by Germany and what’s essentially two mini-Bismarcks, with… ships that have their ammo exposed, blow up when they are glanced at and have the slowest reloads in Naval?

It was already painful with Scharnhorst, let alone Scharnhorst + Bayern… now they got ANOTHER Bayern…

Playing Naval right now feels pointless unless you play Germany, maybe U.K and Japan to a lesser degree… but the fact that playing U.S in Naval Top Tier feels like being an underdog is just ridiculous.

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Does anyone know what studios are doing modelling work for WT Mobile ? The vehicles which are the same as here are obviously the same, but I’m wondering if maybe some new studios are doing work on the vehicles further ahead of where WT is. Haven’t seen any portfolios stating WTM as the commissioner/customer yet.

Meanwhile, Art Vostok recently put out a showcase of Pr.498 Saturn:

( )

Still waiting to see where it and Black Marlin are planned to be used, they’re the same kind of detailed unit as the Nicolaos and Norbis( also made by this studio ) which are used as targets in SBEC/NFEC.

i hope you know the kick out timer was thrown out the window some updates ago lmao

tell me when you last got the timer

but ah mk1 using starstreaks first spawn from helipad is fine?

typical player, cries about russia because thats the only country they’re paired against

Not answering your question but scrolling through some work i found this haha
Uhh was this a past event or 3d decoration? 🤣

Its also just from 11 months ago…


Yes deal with it

New 11.7 premium


That Nevada and Mississippi can take more beating than any of the Bayerns. The only good German ship is actually Scharnhorst.

Ok I go by my words
Edit: oh



There is also the fact that blowing the tail off would do far far more than just blowing the tail off. Hopefully that part will be fixed in March? Or was it June? Anyway, hopefully that will be fixed in the upcoming damage model overhaul. Meaning a direct hit will do more than just knock the tail off

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UK top tier has reasonably decent offensive, but not really the armour to survive the fire from most other 7.0s

Also the Hood and Renown, whilst packing those 15 inch guns do suffer from a lack of HE (or properly functioning AP) and from wide shell dispersal. Nailing the weakspots needed to fight some of these BBs can just be a roll of the dice sometimes.

Not bad

At this rate I’m gonna get my life together before gajjin drops a devblog for the next major update


Don’t I know it:

I spawned into this in my Orion, in the picture there are 2 Scharnhorsts, a Bayern (there was another that wouldn’t fit in the picture) and what I think is an SMS Kaiser (Which is about on-par with Orion but Orion is a higher BR).

I’m sure you can guess who won.