Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’m sure IRL Kamov can’t flight peacefully without the tail…

I know dual rotor and such, but tail is still part of the heli, and center of gravity should change or something if tail is lost…

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Because it should be a kill, the thing literally fell out of the sky.

I mean I guess, it encourages the SPAA player to keep going, but I see it as a possible buff, may not have to sit at the helipad for 01:45 to repair XD

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I’ve seen two videos now from the thing happening in the country over somewhere that we can’t talk about with missing tails flying back just fine. Afaik, the Ka-52 has a flight computer that keeps it stable in flight.

The 29 is certainly balanced even with it’s tail, yawing just becomes more difficult, but not impossible.

Congrats you destroyed my tail? Lol.

I’ve seen pictures of French jaguar taking a missile hit in the engine during gulf war and could come back to the base, but somehow only Russian planes and Heli have superior survivability :p

Wish Tigers heli got reduced signature for missile lock, things they have with their materials also

But somehow only Russia got things like that.


"In January 17 1991 during the first Gulf War (aka Operation Daguet for the French or Desert Storm for Americans) 12 Jaguar A took off with the mission to destroy a SCUD depot in Al-Jaber. Each of them had 250kg bombs, Beluga cluster bombs, EW pod and for sole defense a Magic II.

The bombing run was successful but 4 of them were hit by anti aircraft fire. One had its cockpit glass broken, another damaged flight controls and a third had an internal oil leak.

But the most damaged out of the three was A91 after a direct hit from a SA-7 Grail MANPAD destroying the engine and damaging right wing controls. Thankfully they all managed to get back to base. The A91 was not repaired as the damage was deemed to extensive.

The plane officially joined the museum collection as of today."



well it can fly without a tail so it should keep living until i fire again

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First devblog season of the first major update this year later than first devblog season last year

And I don’t know gaijin delay first devblog season in the first major update because ?

Actually it can, but the pilot has to compensate for the loss of tail. Its not easy to do.

Yeah, but IRL it would quickly go land somewhere or attempt to go back on base, not staying perfectly still and yeeting missiles everywhere, isnt it ?

Doubt it would be considered still operational for the fight.

Thats actually the issue imo. They can’t keep going in a straight line very fast once the tail is gone as it stabilizes it at speed. But it can still hover at low speed and land.

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This is the " beast inside you " game, some things are just going to be a certain way I think.

Though depending on the results of the enhanced crew damage voting later this year, maybe certain things will be rethought.

That change helps players deal with Kamovs easier.
How easier? Dunno, but they will stop thinking the Kamov is dead.

This is shit change because now kamov dont loose control over vikhrs
And because kamov damage model is buggy, i will definitely get 10/10 stingers not even killing this trash

That has nothing to do with this change.
Damage model hasn’t changed on Kamovs.
All that changed is they stop counting as dead if the tail is blown off, it’s a UI change, nothing more.

Nah, not only that. Now they can fly forever even badly damaged while previously they would be ejected after the timer. It’s a big buff

Tail strike [just the tail] never ejected any helicopters to my knowledge.
It’s why I always aimed for pilots since 2019/2020 whenever I started seeing heli rushes.

There are even more detailed diagrams than what you showed)
@長門 I think you’ll like it



When kamov is “dead” he could use only cannon and unguided rockets
Now they will be able to use everything

But now i know to shoot it again
I prefer this change