Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Italy can get an F-16 with AIM-9Ms/Li’s and AMRAAMs.

Yeah, Id reckon 12.7 ish maybe?

That or 13.0.

Italian tornado never used amraam right? That was only the british one?

Yeah, Italy returned their ADVs rather than upgrading and leased F-16As with AMRAAM till Typhoon. Another option might be a Hungarian Gripen though


This is the specific post BTW:

October of last year.
“Close” doesn’t mean within 2 years to Gaijin considering their use of the word close previously.

Obviously, not this update.
We need to have AARHs for some time for Gaijin to learn its balancing.
Then they’ll be ready to add every jet ever made without restrictions knowing where to place them.
And while they’re learning they’re likely already developing Typhoon, Rafale, etc for when they’re comfortable with the balance of AARHs.

Yes… obviously not this update.

Tornado F3 and Sea harrier FA2
Phantom F4F-ICE

All 3 nations have an AMRAAM carrier. the question and the concern is this…

How long will the gap be between Typhoon Equivalents (like the F-15C) and the Typhoon?

Because they will not be fun to fight in the aforementioned aircraft. Now Im kinda hoping they do us a solid and add those first. But that will never happen

Is that true of the original BAe-built Jaguar IS ? Since it seems that 's the version we’re planned to get, based on Smin 's comments.

Sussy ?

But I’m not aware of any other India -operated vehicles w/ evidence atm.

What do you mean high end third gens?
Stuff we already have but then with ARH? Like Mirage F1 with Meteor or something? I believe they got them later in life.

Maybe there is concern even though I cannot see said concern having the perspective of AARHs I do.
At the end of the day, AARHs bring jets closer together in capability than AIM-9Ms. I genuinely believe that.

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If multipathing wasn’t so exaggerated, I’d be inclined to agree.


We shall have to wait and see. But when its Aim-120B vs Aim-120B. The advantage may be decided outside of ARH.

That too is a fair concern.
Gaijin does save radar simulation changes to major updates though… so who knows what we’ll see.
We don’t even have functioning radar-cross sections yet, and we’ll need them relatively soon.

We do, what we don’t have is how they interact with Aspect Angle or Sidelobe’s (HPBW) falloff so things are significantly simplified vs IRL. Though the addition of both would go a very long way if filters are added to refining missile use.


Roll a pair of dice and see who gets gaijined the hardest is the one that loses.


Anyone know how far away in a head on you can fire an aim120b? I wonder what the lowest Br will be for one and how many people will just fire and RTB. I see this a lot with F-14 players. Am not against it because then they just end up isolated later on.

Roughly 60-70km, but that’s at extreme altitude and speed. What i think will happen is people will get within about 15-20km and ripple them off so they go active almost instantly and it wont just be 1-2 dudes doing this, It’ll be entire teams launching like 60 missiles at each other off the rip lol. which means people will hug the ground even harder.


I prefer sim anyways so all good for me. Maybe it’ll motivate Gaijin to get a little more creative with the air rb modes

The key to making them work will be getting a feel for how long to support them for before turning away away, but support them for longer to refine their Pk unless plinking or at mid - close range where going defensive immediately precludes return fire but TTK prevents effective notching / crank maneuvers.

Basically treating them like a smart AIM-7F / -7M will work fine.

for real Gaijin is cooking something

This feels a bit too much like clutching at straws to me. It’s an Indian Canberra skin. At best this could be seen as a “tease” for the Jaguar IS.