Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

yep, even if it would be detected - you need to track it
also, smth like JASSM/or even SDB2 would outrange detection/track

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Or give them the option to transfer it to Finnish T-55 so if they already have it or plan to get it they will have the skin

The T-55A doesn’t have the Finnish skin though, just the WW2/Early Cold War Russian skins

A strike eagle with JASSM-ER could wipe the floor with S-400’s

The issue is that when all things are made accurate, aircraft always have the advantage, yeah ground doesn’t have their best SAM systems, but then aircraft don’t have all their standoff weapons either.

Really, we need separate capabilities for aircraft between air and ground battles, and a better air game mode that is won through CAS not just air kills

For F-22 or J-20 sure, however F-35 is far more efficiently stealthy than any other SF and trumps russia’s most modern air defense

I think there should be ground rb ec with objectives for both aircraft and ground forces, something to use bunker busters or cruise missiles on.

Should come after or with stuff like chaff smoke grenades, fixed APS and maybe even something like a CRAM

Doesn’t F-22 have more stealth than the F-35?

For the hundreth time, america never needs a subtree, ground naval or air


If everyone else gets one why not us?

F-22s stealth is older, the F-35s should be better


because neither you or Russia need one, nor do you benefit from it half as much as other nations

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Compare the size and modernity of the airframe and RAM and come back to me after that, F-35 is still the best Stealth fighter by a decent margin

Compare America’s 5 line behemoth to sweden or israel and pretend to ‘need’ a subtree lmao

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then just planes/tanks that it exports.

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Fair enough, both will be able to evade air defence though

It’s only fair the US gets one since everyone else seems lined up to get one or more

Like F-15EX, not F-15QA

except the US and Russia, who don’t need one

That’s not how it works gng, you don’t have gaps to fill and that is the purpose of subtrees