Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I remember seeing it in the tornado thread about mid-last year, at least i remember seeing it, maybe my memory is wrong

Nope, you arent wrong, they were used for some trials

So that would be enough for Gaijin


Oh sweet haha

The early 5th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile from Russia & USA inferior to AAM-5 basic, AIM-132 Blk I, AIM-2000 (digital interface) and MICA IR because no enable datalink & (lock on after launch)

Gripen C (HuAF & RTAF), F-15C MSIP, II F-15E, F-16C Blk 50, EF-2000, F-2000A and Typhoon FGR.4 mounted AIM-120C-5

MiG-29 & Su-30 late variants, Su-35S and MiG-31BM

Tornado F3 FSP also mounted the C5s :P

Oh ok, I forgot Tornado F3 FSP

But after Tornado F.3 late (AOP) and BR higher 13.0, my guess

we’re going into part 3 with 1dovbleg


Definetly higher than 13.0. But Im not sure how much higher it could go or needed to go if it got C5s. 13.3 might be fine

The first UK fighter aircraft armed AIM-132 (Blk 1), But might 13.7

Its possible. Either that or the Harrier Gr9A

First look, first shot, first kill sums it up pretty well

We got a lot more F-15 to go. Trust me

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If it reverted to desert storm config and went down to 13.0, and was replaced at 14.0 by F-15C with AN/APG-63V3 and BOL that would be pretty neat imo

Didnt it have AMRAAM in DS?

As another Nightshift worker I raised my glass to you

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DS was 1991, AMRAAM had just entered service in 1991. Same with the PW-229, the first 229 strike eagles were made in 1991. So desert storm service would be latest AIM-7 and later AIM-9M variants, and 220 engines

No GBU-39, no JDAM iirc, but just Mavericks and GBU-24.

Edit: desert storm ended February 1991, AIM-120 entered service September 1991

No argument it’s final!

Why is there a Buccaneer in the Premium tech tree?
