Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Its an event vehicle

So you are arguing after the fact.

Buc S1. Weaker engines, less bombs, no CMs, no AAMs at all but still has the 4x Bullpups. The slightly lower BR makes it half decent in GRB but I’ve yet to play it much in ASB and the one time I tried in ARB i was shot down miles from any base and was nothing I could do about it. No airspawn in an aircraft like that truly sucks

People expecting Meteors when we don’t even have AIM-120C F-35s in-game yet is wild.
I get wanting to jump straight to the end-game of BRs, but we gotta get the middle BRs between 14.0 and 15.7 first.

Which is funny cause F-15C is already the counter, even if F-22 is only stealth and AESA over F-15C. I expect F-22 to come in 14.3 - 14.7 for air RB [sim will probably need a dedicated stealth bracket] with the same weapons as its service weapons are quite literally AIM-120Cs [which it can have C1] and AIM-9Ms.

God i hope for a 7.7 spaa for britain


No one was specifically asking for it as far as I am aware, but just bringing it up in conversation. F3 Late though could and probably will get Aim-120C5s at somepoint which is why I reckon it has the “late” name not the “AOP” name.

Did you say you want another 8.3 SPAAG? How about a Marksman Leopard or Marksman Challenger?

How about u sush

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what ever possible SPAA Britain can get at 7.7 will be 8.3 in a year.

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How about a Tracked Rapier for 10.0/10.3?

C5s are certainly closer than far.
I expect C1 first since it doesn’t offer range extension.
This major update I expect filler; maybe Soviets get an unlockable tank for the first time in 15 months. [Their last tank was T-90M.]

Im just hoping for:

For air

  • New radar for the Typhoon
  • Continued upgrades and improvements to the Typhoons A2G fit
  • Sea Harriers finally finished (or at least a moderate chunk)
  • Maybe a Hawk?

For Ground…

  • Challenger 1 & 2 Overhaul

For Naval

  • Rodney Overhaul
  • 15/16" shell dispersal overhaul
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Problem is that therea not really any decent spaa flr 7.7 for britain

Maybe the chieftain sabre but no apds?


I wouldn’t mind, but then I need something at 8.3 in the TT after Cent Mk 10 to fill out my 8.3 line-up. Tho, that might just end up being one of the only times I use a sub-tree thing outside of the sub-tree slot.

I mean literaly just look at india

Don’t worry, I just need one more, one more and a full 10 vehicle Marksman lineup will be possible.

I have abandoned any hope in British naval, forget about them, The Naval is like a sinking like the Titanic.

Not when it comes to my opinion 😜

FV101 S530, twin 20mm with 300 rounds per gun ready to fire, no stab, 40-50 degrees a second turret rotation, maybe DM63 is Gaijin is feeling funky, french can get the same turret on the AML. Probably be 6.7-7.0 imo.

Could also get some of the Malcos Manpads.