Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Saab 105 is essentially like flying a bathtub. Or the maus, considering a Canbera can out turn it lmao

Besides who needs Finnish F-18 when we have better Finnish flying machines?


fuuun lol
meanwhile me just trying to grind it so I have something decent to go with my 8.7 GRB lineup

Edit: LMAOOOOO that’s great lol

Well I want to see what they do with Jamming to counter it maybe???

Sweden at 8.x is pretty bad, the best aircraft is a premium Tunnan and from 4.3 until 10.3 the J29F at 9.0 is the best vehicle(its a 8.7 J29 with 4x 9B’s)

yeah that’s true, 8.x Sweden isn’t great, but I can somehow do half-decent. (6 kills every now and again, probably around 3 on average)
currently only have the Strv 104 for 8.7, and somehow have been doing better in the IKV 91 and Strv 101 at that br lol (then again I still need to get engine upgrades, apfsds, LRF, etc.)
Also I thought J29F only had 2x 9B’s? (plus afterburner of course)

Perhaps. In any case. I hope those without stealth will have AESA and a notable AAM advantage to compensate if nothing else. Typhoon with Aim-9M and Aim-120B with CAPTOR-M vs F-22 with Aim-9M and Aim-120 with AESA would not be a fair fight

frankly i’d expect to see the F35 before the 22, just due to the sheer proliferation of it

Oh ground wise they are alright. The T55M is probably the bets vehicle. The 103C can be fun but its very map dependent. If you cant fully use hills its essentially an SL piñata for anyone at 8.7, to bad the gun shakes so badly its as if the swedes are hyper active chuldren that cant stand still. Aiming can be a nightmare. The strv 104 is meh. The Leo Marksman is the best IFV until 10.3, the Veak is worthless and dead in a ditch. Anything i didn’t mention is worthless garbage that should be skipped unless you’re insane. Air wise…Saab 105 is the only vehicle with any redeeming qualities because its a maus with wings and flies about as well as a brick. Only thing making it decent is the CCIP with bombs, it never gets played at 8.3 and basically only exists at 8.7 until you get to 10.3

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If we are talking F22 and Su-57…every other 4.5 is at its END TIER variant F15X(CrazyMissileRack), Su-35S(stockedWithR37M)…same goes for EFT and RAF…only then can those Stealth have any chance of being added!

Yep, agreed. Though people are calling for the F-22 to be the counter to the T2 EFT ASAP. Which is insane

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-_- they are SMOOTH BRAIN if they are

not sure why they aren’t being more reasonable, a late block F16 or 15C would more than suffice haha

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and also for any of that to happen at ALL…maps have to become HUGE!

I tenatively question if there is anything wrong with the F-15E right now. At least with the EFT in a rather nerf state at the moment

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Honestly yeah I have to agree with you there. On another note, Tornado F.3 with Meteor when ))))

Oh yeah, I do be noticing some of those things already despite only being at 8.7 lol.
VEAK is very much a rotting corpse dumped in a sewage ditch, agreed, useless at it’s BR and even more so since i’m pulling it up to 8.7 to at least have something.
agreed, hull aim definitely could use work, but it’s so niche for only 3 vehicles it won’t happen.
Strv 104, just an upgraded centurion, yep meh checks out.
uhhh, can’t comment on Leo Marksman 'cause I don’t have it yet, same with SAAB 105.

Anyways, I should get ready for sleep. Goodnight (or whatever time of day it is over yonder) :)

Edit: one last note: even though it’s just another upgraded centurion, when looking at the top round for Strv 105, I find it funny that it outperforms whatever the Leo 2a4 has lol (is it DM33?)

ASRAAM and Aim-120C5s is the best it had (and part of me wonders about the “late” instead of AOP prefix to suggest maybe future upgrades for it.)

But this would be a fun “very-late” variant


Night, im up like 24/7. If i wasn’t working nightshift how could i be awake for all my US peeps. I need them to see my Danish Schizo posts

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could have sworn i saw an image of a tornado being a testbed for meteor, i guess not

Its possible?

Tornado F3 was retired in 2010 and Meteor entered service in 2016. So maybe an early prototype?

But most likely the Typhoon was used for most tests