softwarre probably worse for v2. but v3 should be on par or better since this is post APG-77 and APG-79 iirc, so by then US had a lot of experience with AESA
So a premium Finnish F-18 and a Premium Hawk.
Well knowing Gaijoobles, yes, that sounds about right.
Have friend mark enemy spaa that are sitting still and set a target point on his ping. Fly low and a bit before you get to enemy spawn fire it at low alt and hope they don’t shoot it down. Honestly its a pretty weak 10.7 CAS/CAP fighter and made entirely redundant by other multi role fighters at the same and lower BR’s
Well we already knew that. Gotta come up with something else
Another Premium J35 that is stronger than the J35D but also at a lower BR?
Nah, too good, Gaijoobles can’t give something good.
Afterburning J34 at 9.7? Sitll with 9Bs though
What are you gonna add? Another flareless J35 with Falcons? It cant get much better lol. J35ÖE is the only one that could be better than the XS
Yeah that sounds about right.
Gripen NG. Its exactly the same as the Gripen C, but has all the features missing from the Gripen C
- Voice Warnings
- Centre line A2G
- A2G radar modes
J35D is already too strong, this was from its time at 10.7
Flareless with Falcons? Definetly 10.7 Material that
Where Stealth is going to be very good is when you flank on the out side of the map away from the fur ball. Someone is looking right at you from 45-50km away but nothing shows on their radar…so they turn to look somewhere else! and the whole time you were looking right at them with a TWS soft lock and your 120D or 77M primed and ready to fire. The Stealth on an F22, F35, Su-57 and J-20 will help you…not like the 117 Night Hawk. At 10km will it help you…no, but at range it’s going to give you the initiative to start the fight…and it’s always faster to act then to react!
Sure? That sounds like something Gaijoobles would do, but idk much of anything about modern stuff and top tier lol.
12.7 take it or leave it, honestly we need a J35 with the Akan gunpod
I mean have you ever seen 30mm rounds do so much damage? (Same guns as the AJ and AJS btw
Significantly better fighter pilot than I am and not even using an actual fighter lol
then again i’ve only been playing for around 2 years and i’m a ground main
and thus it will be a pain in the butt and why I would hope it did not come. its hard enough as it is with radars not seeing things when you point your radar straight at them. And thats buggy behaviour. To just have RWR warnings, knowing full well an F-22 is looking at you and firing at you and there is simply nothing that the game allows you to do to fight back because “its stealth” would be just bad gameplay. Top tier would be stealth vs stealth and everyone else would just pray and hope they get close enough to allow for WVR combat.
Saab 105 is essentially like flying a bathtub. Or the maus, considering a Canbera can out turn it lmao
Besides who needs Finnish F-18 when we have better Finnish flying machines?
fuuun lol
meanwhile me just trying to grind it so I have something decent to go with my 8.7 GRB lineup
Edit: LMAOOOOO that’s great lol