Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I like that!! Big shlong…

Again, if the Mig 21 Bis can be given its MGBT upgrades it wouldn’t move in BR and it would help bring a unique vehicle to the C&P air tree

Cant wait for the teaser!
I sure hope it will show the F-2 and Schelde S.21!


Also can we get a tech tree J35J, i want muh falcons, and the tridon as a decent 8.3-9.0 SPAA

And for the 186th time, fix the frickin Lvakan 48!!!

Tbf given the current BR’s of the Draken the best all rounder would go to the F 35, 2 missile pylons only and it has RWR, Chaff and flares and can be used for CAS. Would either end up as 9.7 since its heavier and only has 2 missiles or would be 10.0

Would be nice to see another TT, J35, i think gaijin is against them since they nerfed the flightmodel so much and the XS just didn’t sell well after they to 11.3, again the J35’s are in a tricky spot since many don’t have CM’s at a very CM needed BR thanks to compression.

And lowering it would make it what the F-104 starfighter is to 9.0s

Eh, i dont think more super sonics at 9.0 would help, id rather decompression before that. I already avoid the J35’s because of all aspect and just many 10.x fighters having on par flight performance and CM’s

Except MiG-21Bis Lazur-M, MiG-21Bis SAU, MiG-21Bis (Finnish) and MiG-23MF (GDR & HuAF) will R-60K instead R-60MK

To replace R-60M on MiG-23M because hope MiG-23M pre R-60M service

I feel targeted lmao, im just grinding the last few points i need for the star and talking with peeps about what we’re looking forward to with the new update and the Norwegians start attacking me lmao. Most of our words are pretty similar so i know what insults they are saying. Lmao nordic violence is real with the new event jet lol.

What exact version it is and what state it is will dictate the hype for me. Will replace Barham in my 7.0 line-up, but Rodney has let me down so much that I dont trust them to actually Warspite in a state befitting her

For example on researchable tree, J35A early (J35A1) (similar to J35A from premium tree but short afterburner (EBK65) and short tail), J35B (late production with PS-03/A radar), J35F1 (without IRST) and F35XD

J35FS & J35J to researchable tree

There is no need for a MiG-21bis without R-60M(K)s, since the MiG-21MFs already are just 2 steps below the MiG-21bis’ and they have the regular R-60s, which are the same missiles as R-60Ks for ingame purposes.

There most likely wouldn’t be a reason to add an earlier MiG-23M with just R-60s, as the MiG-23M still has access to the R-23T and R-23R, even in its early form. If you really want a earlier MiG-23, the MiG-23S would be the one to ask for, but that didn’t have R-60s at all.

Im pretty sure someone said it was a WW2 refit but idk what that means lmao. I have no idea what the Brits did with their boats

I think she got a few refits during the war.

Barham is what she was like before the refit and had basically no A2A.

Post refit, Decent A2A, different bridge, Anti-air and surface radar and I think maybe a little more armour?

Well upon rereading the devblog, I have my answer

HMS Warspite comes to the game in her 1942 upgrade, featuring improved horizontal armor and good anti-aircraft weaponry. This includes four 40 mm 8-barrel pom-pom guns in the superstructure as well as 15 20 mm autocannons, which is a rare setup for a dreadnought! Additionally, Warspite features some four and six inch guns on both the port and starboard side.

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Id rather see J35 with one of the earliest IRCCM missiles to exist

Also, in my opinion the J34 Should get the EBK as a modification, that way it stands out and isnt just a copy/paste Hunter

"Sweden: ‘Let’s build a tank destroyer.’
Also Sweden: ‘But make it a Volvo dune buggy with a giant cannon strapped on top.’
0% armor, 100% send it 💥"


Would be rather interesting to see. But I would worry for the impact it would have on its BR. Unless it could get some better AAMs and the Aim-9Bs are a balancing decision

The EBK only changes the climb rate basicly, It still struggles to reach anywhere near mach 1