Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Then it should be fine then.

1493 is a night-and-day difference compared to N001 and N001V.
6 datalink
150km search range for a fighter-sized target

A radar called “1493” just makes me think its like a vintage of wine and I can just imagine the conversation between engineers like:

“Hmmm… how about the 1493 radar, that was an excellent year for radars”

Does the F18 offer anything new to the game over what we currently have? It seems to be extremely mid

oh god what have you done ;w;

Likely not, It’ll just be another mid 13.7 filler.

At this point. honestly, what is the attraction of top tier? A mesh pit of sweats and matches shorter than 5 minutes?

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I don’t know, I don’t really play top tier air that often.

However what you said also perfectly describes 12.3 which I have been playing a lot.

I havent seen any sources for or against it having HMD

Not really

I dont get why people think its so fun to fly 5cm of the ground, launch all missiles run as fast as they can back home, then watch as the enemy side with the most planes/tanks spawncamps the enemy instantly,

Oh wait i just summed up all of war thunder ground lol

Well what should the F-15E have?

The F18 seems to have Tornado syndrome where its added a year too late

At this point. They should just add all the modern aircraft and be done with it, Its not like there are a ton left, and frankly the gameplay is bland as all heck

The actual fun areas of this game to me has been 1.0-10.7~

Untill they make Top tier play more different from normal 1.0-10.0~ Air, like adding Massive maps, Mountainous terrain, Radar interference zones, More cover for dogfights, Longer engagement times, Hidden airfields, Fog of war mechanics, More AI ground & naval presence.

  • “Massive maps” – Expand maps to 500+ km, making engagements more strategic and reducing instant furballs.
  • “Mountainous terrain” – Adds valleys and ridges to break missile locks and encourage low-altitude flying.
  • “Radar interference zones” – Certain areas disrupt radar, forcing pilots to rely on skill rather than missile spam.
  • “More cover for dogfights” – Cities, forests, and canyons provide places to evade enemies and reset fights.
  • “Longer engagement times” – No more instant missile jousts; players must navigate and plan their attacks.
  • “Hidden airfields” – Remote landing strips for emergency repairs and rearming without flying across the map. (usedul for the Swedish lol)
  • “Fog of war mechanics” – Limited spotting based on AWACS, radar, and terrain, making stealth tactics viable.
  • “More AI ground & naval presence” – Convoys, fleets, and SAM sites add objectives beyond just dogfighting.

These are the things i can think of that would make me more interested in playing top tier, if at all


Tornado F.3 should’ve been added before the F-16/MiG-29 and the F-18 should’ve been added around the time of the F-15/Su-27

Alongside the F-14A would have been perfect

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It’s just going to be a missle bus. Nothing special.

Excellent for Air Sim and for an RB EC gamemode. But I do think there is a time and place for the ultra-short furball gamemode which is ARB


As far as I heard (like everyone else said) no.

Where it’s interesting is

A. It’s a new airframe
B. The nations it could go too


Also the cinematic aspect. F-18 is a common go-to for “US Fighter”. Think Independence Day