Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The U.S. and Sweden both should get the 18C
The 18A at this point should be relegated to a premium because its WAY overdue

The F2 shouldve been added in Seek and Destroy, that things DOA now
The 39E should come this update (likely wont)
China has options
Russia has options
Israel, France, Germany, Italy, Britain are fine right now.

pls gib
smol plane look fun

Finland has 3 Hawks they could get. The 54.A has a very unique cockpit tha ka to Patria, would be closer to a modern F16

sounds like you aren’t well informed enough to make some of the arguments you’re trying to make, Finland don’t have Super Hornets

That would make it 6, also the F-15E is competitive with the Typhoon and Rafale

There aren’t any better F/A-18s to be added, the US have the best ones realistically, aside from maybe Australia if you include the ASRAAM

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Just look at the size of the Pilot compared to the rest of the plane :P


there was a proposed swing wing Gnat with no elevators (instead swig out canards akin to the Mirage Milan) Fo.147
canned on the drawing board of course.

would be nice to see the Gnat F.2 (Fo.143), wing was built, but never mated to anything. Planned to be Mach 1.5 capable. What you posted was the Gnat F.5 proposal.

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Only hornets i see being added this update are Cs and A+s depending on whos getting them. Sweden and America being the only 2 countries im confident in saying are guaranteed to get one

Ey, you give me the SU-47 ingame and i’m the happiest man alive, lets goooo

I have to agree that its weird the 39E and F-2 haven’t been added yet.

Beyond cursed and should be burned

So gaijin adding a paper helicopter? This surely won’t burn the forums down.

Too advanced clearly which is why we have jets from 2019 (ahem rafale) realistically its because sweden and japan aren’t spotlight nations since EFT and rafale were set to be the main focus.


Britain should have done this

If you didn’t notice the Canards on the bottom of the cockpit mounted to the aircraft on a stick that rotates to move the aerofoil out of the air stream into the barrier effect lmao. extremely jank.




the topic of paper vehicles would love to see the A-38 for a dreams come true. Though very likely it will never come oh well, thats what F 35 is for


Hell yeah, the Swedish A-10/Su-25 hybrid!

Tbh if anyone needs a paper jet

Give japan that paper f2 upgrade

Such a shame they didn’t make it, would’ve been pretty cool

looks like the illegitimate love child of the Hawk and the Gnat ngl

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