Which of the rumored aircrafts will be the most competitive?
- Su-30SM
- J-11B
- J-10B
- F-18C
- F-2
Which of the rumored aircrafts will be the most competitive?
Eh, the problem is the Hornet can’t be Meta unless it is overperforming like crazy. It would need to be a better or on par F15E/EFT to even be considered Meta imo. It will be a weaker sidegrade and in many cases worse than what nations in game have. F15C will be better at 13.7, why would you use the F18 if you have EFT? Its just a jet that was added a bit late in a very compressed BR
Stealth will only make the rafale better. But 5th gen aircraft are not needed and should not come before a long time.
Yesh i think December is probably when we’ll see new IR missiles.
Which is why it works best as a 12.7/13.0 with AIM-9M and AIM-7M, however with AMRAAMS it’ll be 13.7 on account of the sheer number of missiles it can carry
With gaijin at the wheel we essentially constantly drive off the side of the cliff and roll until we get to the next power creep before taking any time to make sure everyone has a competitive vehicle. F14 moment, F16/Mig 29 ect ect
With just Fox-3 it will be 13.7, we need EFT/F15/Rafale to be 16.0 and we can start decompressing. Its such a joke that we have such bad compression(nearly as bad as naval lol)
That’s my hope, the current state of missiles is getting rather boring, IR missiles aren’t competitive enough compared to radar missiles, even in close range combat.
Doesn’t the J-11B still have the old mechanical Type 1493 radar set? it’s overdue imo and won’t really be competitive.
Eh, for me the Fox-3 meta is boring, climb or notch for the first 2 minutes and if you aren’t in an EFT/F15/Rafale you’re a parasite since you aren’t even slightly equal in performance to your peers. Id kill for some.new air game modes or a dedicated que for 6v6 matches or guns only or IR only ect ect.
F/A-18C/D early production late 80’s ~ desert storm era will be 12.7 because engine, avionics and armament like F/A-18A/B (desert storm)
F/A-18E/F (Block 3 standard), F-35 Lightning II (Block 4), F-15E (post upgrade) and F-22A (post MLU)
I saw F-16I Sufa only equipped SPICE 250 ER
I might want gajin add ARM in 70’s vietnam war era before AGM-88A HARM someday
You missed the obv Su-30MKI that is to come for the Indians! xD
I think with decompression, lower tier Fox3 combat could be fun, but until we get significant map changes top tier is just going to suck to play
You know i wonder if you can spoof people with the Penguin with its smoke trail if you fire it up high. So many single cell organisms play around 11.x so i can imagine people flying up and struggling to lock it lol
Best map for silly dogfights is pacific hidden base or drowned city imo. Love messing around with those, id kill for some arcade and silly maps for top tier if we got a IR only mode or guns only.
I agree with you and @BearHasLanded, new IR missiles will definitely arrive at the end of this year. Having the last update of the year include hot new fighter aircraft has been a huge win for Gaijin so far, no reason for them to stop anytime soon.
That’s when we’ll see the new meta emerge.
I agree, which does make me wonder if they’ll come to something like the tornado or harrier, etc before that though
Eh, i really cant see the Meta changing again. Climbing for a while will still be the strategy that earns more kills and those who are above will now be armed with even more deadly IR missiles thoigh we’ll see
Please f-2, god please dont be the god damn early version
You’ve jinxed it