Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It’s just a T-72 innit

running gear of a t80 with a t72 engine

should be the most suffering SPG with -4 reverse speed

so uh wont be the uh fastest thing…

Sadly with the CR3 we will never have accurate specs on the armour. Gaijin have been less than generous when modelling British tank armour for the CR2 series.

we can dream

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… Ajax Armoured recovery vehicle?
Can’t wait to duel with the crane lmao

i know you mean armoured recon


I mean… they did fix it on dev lol and then they rolled it back

I mean It would be Ajax AFV tbh

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This one will be interesting as it’s the first one to have an armoured hull.
Wonder what WW2/Cold war bracket BR this thing will be ruining

6.7 To 8.0 depending of if it has thermals or a LR, if its got a LR straight to 7.7

armored hull but paper turret, it won’t help, and first armored hull should be Sholef

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I also doubt they gave that thing hull composite

The K9 and PZH 2000 spam at this bracket is bad enough…

Nah we need more SPG my fella

easy man, 2S19 won’t as op as them

Strv122d literaly is a copy paste highly doubt it

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At appropriate Brs for sure. Tiger 2s/Centurions are being dragged up to fight K9s and the PZH 2000 on a ranged map is the only bugger with a laser range finder and devastates the non stabilised tanks.

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wheres my british equivalent sadge

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Also, I would lose all my faith in humanity if Gaijin gives the annual top tier MBT of 2025 to freaking Sweden.