Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I would agree if the Aim-54C was performing as it should.

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Tracker is hard to tell, as i lack data on ITO. Search radar will have 5km less range (compared to 30km historical of ITO), but will reach higer (most likely, i lack data on elevation of ITO radar) and it does have TWS for 100 targets, compared to 8 of ITO.

Are those Brimstones?

not sure which model they are but yes that’s the brimstone tri-launcher

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Damn, depending on the BR, that could be nasty for CAS

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does this help?

not quite. Im comparing IRL features.

I see

Maybe for other nations but not for israel
In israel its a training aircraft as far as i know
Also i dout that it can carry more then israeli jets since israeli jets carry us ammunitaion ans israeli ammunition in every category but i rly dont know

Should still be compatible with LITENING pod and JDAM so i’d even be happy with that

doesn’t really matter, there is not much left for Israeli air and i’d rather get more than less

Patriot would be crap at 10km targetting low flying aircraft. Thats why we have SHORAD systems

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Yea sadly acording to iaf official website its just a training aircraft
All tho ngl israel has good cas from 9.3 and above

Yeah, Ayit, and the F-4Es are both pretty good, and then obviously top tier they have great CAS


more content is being downloaded when launching War Thunder…
Datamines soon?

Mayhaps even:



Kinda similar looking to our LNER A3 just without the bits on the boiler (A = 4-6-2), though Letter to wheel arrangement was only an LNER thing.

And have a pic of Sandwich and no it’s not the Scotty boy.


*reasonable normal good people

people who have an issue with bushes should play air, if basic camouflage is an issue then maybe ground just isn’t for them

Happy guessing ;)