Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Its pay 2 win, especially at low level. Just because all of us are paypigs that have them doesnt make it right.

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They aren’t P2W since you can earn them in crates from the BP, i got my last 3 bushes doing that

In the past you could get them even faster, as they were avaiable all the time every month, not once per 3 months

was that a ystervark at some point?


i’ll attempt to play guess the bush game

what about an AML? @DevilO6


Id guess maybe a fox or sarc personally

No and what sarc(i forgot we have more than 1XD)?

Ratel 20


Maybe zt3a2 then looking closer

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We have a winner

i knew it was something south african but that profile is very funky

Tbh once i noticed it was specifically trying to hide something on the roof i thought hmm what has atgms on the roof with wheels (british player) and my first thought due to being a brit player was one of the ratels

my best bush job is either the 103 or Wiesel

Dont use bushes myself personally

My fav tank to bush up is the L3 take it up to top tier and hide in a corner, works 90% of the time lol

The british player was a lucky shot here. I just used Z3 as i made those bushes onece and they covered everything nicely