Nah, the engines were directly because of the I, it was supposed to just be a better strike jet, the counterpart to the SU-34
could F/A-18C get JSOW to set it apart in A2G?
i would hope for AGM-154B Anti-Armor variant, finished development but never entered service
I know for certainty I have seen my Typhoon cost 800
Possibly, it would help Finland out too, could also see more glide bombs like the JDAM ER and maybe the SPICE
all 28 SPICE 250 and GBU-53 on the F-15I and F-15E respectively
apparently hornet can carry 8 jsow, each AGM-154B has 24 anti armor projectiles (shaped charge) with IIR seekers
will be amazing
Again we have to see if Gaijin goes with historical accuracy or not and we need to see what MLU they are wanting to add
And your crap only exists to appease canadians and aussies while being entitled and acting above every other minor nation that has no home
I mean, despite the fact I don’t plan on using it either way, I’m hoping they add the MLU 2, it would just be so mean not to
i think will probably be MLU 2 for CAS
Wait you actually have Finland done, thats a suprise
The CAS arms race needs to stop
Eh, if gaijin was that interested in CAS the Viggens would’ve had the RB75T long before the change 3 months ago. We’ll have to see but given the track record i doubt it.
hell no, i need my total of 192 anti-armor IIR guided projectiles
Not fully, but it would be my easiest way to the F/A-18 when it comes out, I still need to grind the MiG-21Bis tbh
My US tech tree is a shambles though, however I want to use the F/A-18 to motivate me to clean it up a bit
The issue will be the effect on the hamster when using the JSOW
Im suprised you’ve touched the TT. 90% of people who have opinions on air trees don’t actually play them. Im open about what i have and haven’t so i like to imagine it adds to my credibility when im not drunk
give more APS tanks, thatll actually help a lot against JSOW-B im pretty sure
I’m not sure that will help the servers much xD
Canister and Flechette munitions when?
i do hope they start adding better TGP to US jets starting with the F/A-18C though. Litening II being the best we have is unfortunate.
also LJDAM, idk why that isnt on F-16C, AV-8B+, F-15E