In the Chinese forum, someone made an inference: this account is an internal account, so it is explained by default that all Chinese high-end vehicles. These Premium Vehicles plus the starting vehicles are 38. That is, the developers don’t play China at all - they know how bad China’s top is.
Its a cool iconic aircraft so i get the buzz ;)
Like f117 its ass in the game but hella cool
All tho 12 120 can be very nice
Its very strong for cas as well imagine f15e but not a brick
To me, AV-8B+ will never be topped, hahah.
The ability to land on the helipad is an incredible plus.
10x on hornet
12x on super hornet
what does it have tho, like classic AGM65? and will it be a fighter or an attacker?
Will Brits get them?
It should be able to carry 10, on the Super Hornet can do 12 from what I know
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Well, you dont fly an F/A-18 anyway when you want to be fast…
it barely breaks mach 1.1 at low altitude with only 2 amraams let alone 10
Yeah, guess F-15E will remain the crown jewel for America for now hahah
It will probably get the Strike role ingame, pretty sure they used AGM65s on them and the Brits have no claim over the F/A-18 as of right now.
Only F-18 that is anywhere close to a strike aircraft is the F-18D’s kf the Marine Corp, but they carry an identicle loadout to the other Hornets
If the Su-30 gets added US will need a new top tier F-15 maybe with an AESA Radar.
and here I thought I can get away from harrier gr7 :(
Dont want it, fix the Typhoon
You can use the Tornado GR.4 or the Typhoon
And there is always hope for the Harrier GR.9
Hopefully. it’s currently unknown but it’s extremely wanted by everyone involved with the two variants(the nations it could come form ones) they could get.
Everyone, huh?
I mean I have Typhoon, but tornado is such a brick cant really stand against any enemy cas or Pantsir