Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

OZ Hornet with ASRAAM would be the only interesting option

…And that’s why it should’ve been added earlier, by now it wont improve CAS, CAP nor be a hot pick for a specific lineup for GRB at all.

That’s the closest i can describe DOA without using the actual word.


Eh, you can fire PGMs and/or Paveways towards the enemy spawn with the Tornado, not sure how much better a Hornet loaded with weapons would fare against enemy CAS and CAP.

the Hornet’s best case scenario iirc is it CAN improve CAS for the U.S. (replacing the F-16C) if it gets some kind of new ordnance)

For Britain it’d be a win because the Typhoon has no FNF weapons
Sweden, literally anything is better CAS than the Gripen
Germany, same issue as Britain

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Isn’t that a better missile than the ones in game? At least it isn’t in game.

If so, it was pointed out that if the Aussie one came now it might never get it.

So for now I’m still pro-CF-188 for the UK, then (roundel)F/A-18 that has to gable on getting what makes in unique later on.

not much new I think, just a better AGM-65G carrier.

Britain has the Tornado and the Harrier for FnF AGMs, the Typhoon has Paveways with GPS bombs if you can’t dodge enemy fire while guiding Brimstones

Like an F-15E that is slower, loses all it’s speed while turning and can’t really get that speed back due to lowish thrust to weight.

I dont mean ASRAAM right away.
I mean I would rather have the OZ one as the Canadian one has nothing unique.

if you want to be as literal as possible yes the Paveways are “FNF” but their JDAM feature is mostly a gimmick used to launch it and get time to turn around so you can guide it the rest of the way from out of AA range, or against really unaware SPAA.

and while with a little effort on the Typhoons Brimstones can be neat, they will never hold a candle to actual FNF AGMs in the current game state. Because being able to flatten 6+ enemies simultaneously is just way better than 6 enemies over the span of like 3-5 minutes.

I guess. I want the Canada one, as it’s now or never for it, unlike the Aussie who have the super that could come if they don’t get the legacy, unlike Canada.

Well compare to AGM65, PGM is such a bad weapon, not to say its useless, but the speed limit, lock range, travel time, and that big ass smoke. Basically everything except for the damage it does, it sucks, even a decent adats player can see its coming.
When you pair that thing with a brick-like tornato, a good pantsir player can take both your munition and you down simultaneously.
I don’t like Harrier because it has a low solution thermal, and it doesn’t have access to zuni rockets like av8b+ does, it is just simply a downgrade. (beside that aim9m, but again av8b+ has aim120)

Who mentioned paveways?

The Harrier has mavericks and the tornado has PGMs, which are both F&F.

And what exactly is so problematic about the Typhoon not being as strong as the F-15E or Su-34 as CAS?

maybe read the message I responded to before responding to me?

did I say it’s a problem?

Problem is the Brimstones bring you closer to the SAMs. Yes you can snipe a SAM popping up or turning the laser on but you are literally in range of every other SAM in the spawn.

I die more to a respawned Strela or a Type 81C than a Pantsir in the Typhoon.

Then we don’t need a Hornet, do we? We have the Tornado and the Harrier and that is plenty.


Or a Rafale

A Pantsir will be able to destroy your Mavericks just as easily as your PGMs. You can also launch the PGMs from outside a Pantsirs range, if one is up on the enemy team.