Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

fym ‘can be the best’ it’s already the best by a massive margin

Look, you made it sad
It wants to live too :'(

poor guy would look better on the massive forehead of the TOR :D

Yea, the nerf was so hard it got even moved down in BR because even an straight flying Drone was realy hard to kill, luckly they buffed the missile again to nearly as before without moving it again up in BR

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I would put it on the Tor, but it is in china, so i am unable to have it as of now :(

if that was the case then it would be better than the ADATS but it’s not there yet

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which is why i’d rather see a russian TOR than keeping the pantsir in game :/

Because not long ago they also buffed the ADATS missile (more G)

Can confirm, it is not the same as it was before

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More G means more speed bleed (i have no clue if it is better to use i will never use it)

Nah, the missiles feel worse. Just like the ADATS missiles

I need to check if it truly pulls the 42 or not.

Not good but useable
Its the 3 best after pantsir and ito

Then, They didn’t integrate AIM-120 to F-14D.
Because they got blocked by the paywall. Right?

I should probably remind you of the dumbest ban that ruins the game. When you lead a missile into an airplane, and it suddenly shoots off a missile / launches a bomb, the missile itself, without your instruction, in the three-point guidance mode flies into this missile (or rather just flies away, neither the airplane nor the missile it does not shoot down) and you lose the opportunity to shoot down the airplane.
Man, now even bypassing the bugs, it’s safe to say that one Rafale is enough to overload even a few Pantsir. A radar fix would help. And by the way, 20km is a radius where you can shoot down only a slow non-maneuverable drone. The real range of shooting down an actively maneuvering target is about 12km. And at that range, ITO missiles are better than Pantsir’s.

Not great but useable

This technically will be fixed when gaijin adds the ‘priority track’ mode to TWS radars, this will allow you to choose a single target to lock while the TWS continues to give other targets (like munitions) but your missile lock won’t change over)

not really, the selectable guidance modes of the Pantsir makes it extremely easy to intercept targets, especially those at range who aren’t defending

Exuse me?
U dont think pantsir is the best spaa?
What in the holy russian bias is that joke?


The plane was designed from the get to to use AIM-120 intergration would of been the cost checking there was no issues with the launch of AMRAAMS and buying the adapters

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I’ll happily swap the TOR out of the Chinese tree for the Russian’s to have if they’re not happy with the Pantsir’s performance, lol. Hopefully Gaijin will add that SWS2 or whatever it is China has been developing as a Pantsir alternative.

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