The US doesn’t need a Aussie F-18 for ASRAAM, it’s already integrated on F-16, just blocked for sale lmao.
But thats an F-16 not F-18
I need muh navy jet
It is cool though and I hope it comes at some point
nah that would be to much, giving every minor nation their own tree would be to much and would clock up the UI way to much.
Mot every minor nation needs to be represented in their own tree. look at argentinia like what 4-5 vehicles total getting their own page is stupid, and canada and australia dont deserve special treatment compared to other nations either.
To change the subject for a minute there is one british designed ship (not interested in who cares about naval) that germany could actually receive as they did briefly operate a few
A small amount of flower class corvettes were captured in france, rearmed with german weapons and briefly were in service
What is it?
German armed flower class corvettes
Thing is imo, not every nation needs to be/become a sub tree/nation. We don’t need 100+ sub nations.
And before I get accused of being biased, yes I said the same thing about my own country before the benelux became a sub tree.
Gajin might add next aircraft pre order rank 8 for USA better F-20A Tigershark and BR higher 12.3 (12.7 ~ 13.3) sometime this year ?
Next aircraft pre-order rank 8 for USA would be 13.0 but medium-range Air-to-Air Missile AIM-7M only
It might F/A-18A (late production) from USN desert storm era
China tech tree might not want asean strike eagle because already Sino-Flanker with domestic chinese engine, avionics and armament
Sub nations, while not ideal, are still a hell of a lot better than whatever is currently happening with Canada
Like not every nation needs to be a subtree, but there should still be an effort to keep all of a nation’s vehicles in one tree, like Iran doesn’t need to be a subtree for them to stay consolidated, but with how big Australia and Canada are, there is I think a strong argument for saying they should be subtrees already
Exactly this. It’s mind-boggling that this has continued like it has when the solution seems so obvious already.
To most players this isn’t an issue to begin with, that’s why this is going to continue.
Turkey and Poland also have their vehicles spread across multiple trees.
People should be glad their favourite nations vehicles are in the game at all, no matter where they end up.
Ah yes, the king of arguments, “you should just shut up and be happy you have anything at all”
I mean if that is your genuine opinion, then what are you actually doing on the forum? surely you should just play the game and whatever happens, happens, you should be happy about it whatever it is. Right?
too many American and a couple German vehicles. i agree with UK Canadian stuff going to UK, but for things like CF-18 which shouldnt exist outside of a skin or US premium, and LAV series, which while technically Canadian, are made by GDLS and mainly operated by the US
id prefer that in the tech tree, and the CF-18 as a premium or skin for it
However, having its own page would make enough space to add more Argentine vehicles in the future. While that no longer makes much sense for Argentina, it still makes sense for Switzerland, if it is definitely the subtree chosen for Germany.
I would prefer that Canadian and Australian vehicles, as well as all those from those nations that do not yet have a place, get their own pages/tabs.
It is untidy, confusing and, to some, insulting to have vehicles scattered across nations. The people in the main nations want the gaps filled with their own vehicles. People of other nationalities prefer to have their own space and at least line up with vehicles from their country.
Gaijin does something different: it fills spaces with foreign (and not domestic) vehicles and does not allow foreigners to have their own space, even if it is small.
New aircraft pre-order pack rank 8 for USA and better F-20A Tigershark ?
But I suppose new USA aircraft rank 8 after F-20A & F-14A IRIAF (event vehicle) in the premium tree BR 13.0 or 13.3
F/A-18A Early for researchable tree, my guess
Pre Operation Prairie Fire 86’s and desert storm 91’s
That’s just how the game works. If a main nation can fill its existing gaps with its own vehicles, why would subtree (or third party) vehicles take that spot?
You just can’t expect Gaijin to add every vehicles of every nation, be it through their own trees, subtrees or manufacturers tree additions. Further, not every nation can be its own thing or even a subtree. The closest thing to having your own space/page/whatever these smaller nations could get would be the subtree rework, but even that seems unlikely.
If playing vehicles operated by your country is so important to you, you can always customize your vehicles to somewhat look like the ones in service with your country. If you are on PC you can even get custom camos and crew voices to take it a step further.
hey guys whats your opinion on su33 being a sqaudron
It’s a pretty good choice for a SQV tbh
solid sqv