Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

it was a pity addition due to F-111K not existing. UK player wanted an F-111 but the K didnt exist so they got the only other F-111 not used by the US

It’s 14 UK to 1 US and them not adding the F-111C to Britain doesn’t mean it goes to the US, it just wouldn’t have been added, since the specific reason for its addition was as a substitute for a British F-111

had different armament so i think it still wouldve been added, probably different update though

Well it did just gaijin making set rules for every tech tree, I mean what would of been the difference between the US and UK version anyway ?

If the only changes to the K was armament then yeah I could see no reason why it shouldn’t have been added

It could be 99 UK to 1 US and it still wouldn’t be a subtree.
We’ve been told so on multiple occasions.

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Tbf that logic isn’t exclusive to the UK

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It’s a guess, but if we assume what you’re saying is true then that would make its addition to the UK more like the German Hunter, and we could reasonably take it as evidence for Australia becoming a future British Subtree.

You know, while we’re speculating

F-111A body with F-111D avionics and FB-111 landing gear, with modified bomb bay

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So in this case just a few flight model tweaks then

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eh, itd be pretty noticeably different.

landing gear and bomb bay would be visually different and idk if there are any good specifics about what that looked like/weighed

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Why is the white house on fire again?


Yeah I mean these changes gaijin could do in house, but yeah it’s just frustrating different rules for different trees

i can give you a gathering of like 10 statements of Smin saying canada and australia are in fact not subtrees. it was never given to the UK.
Uk only received indiginous australian vehicles until now, import vehicles like the abrams went to the US.
F-111C is an exception which doesnt count because it was a pity addition cause the F-111K was never finished.

As of right now any other australian import vehicles like kf41 (which they even declined in the trials) tiger, ah-64 would go to their developer nation.
The australian boxer could go to germany and Uk out of the single reason germany has the same variant themself already in service. The australian one possibly being a squad or premium.
The australian redback could go to UK as well, cause korea isnt a thing yet in war thunder either.

TLDR: australia and canada arent subtrees only their indiginous stuff was only ever added to the UK


i cant think of any examples like this outside of sweden heli tree and japan air/ground, but yeah it would be pretty cool to have a 111K. it coudlve gone nicely with an F-111D

it was a pity because the F-111K wasnt possible. officialy stated as such.
Its a bone gajin threw to UK


Most of which were already there a long time ago and are unique vehicles, which were always going to go to Britain.

As of now for the not unique stuff, it’s 1 for Britain and 1 for the US.


Clearly it’s because the people there don’t know how to use candles ~they bombed the damn supplying power to it(it was in Quebec)~

It’s just a worse 111F at the same BR, so no it likely just wouldn’t be added.