Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Look, the US is getting something really nice this patch. Same goes for Russia. (As for now)
Thats all i say

Most likely J-11B with the Su-30SM

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why would they add the J11b which a su27 when the su30 equivlent which is J16

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Weapons and avionics

Right, wasn’t thinking about that when writing the reply, what I meant to say is that the 30mm Bushmaster uses standard ammo based on that of the GAU-8. So since the APFSDS rounds likely were needed for use on boats/ships they also could use it on their IFVs.

What i find weird is that they said China wasnt getting a new plane soon because of the mirage.

I mean, we don’t know if the Su-30 is coming yet lol

we kinda do as its shown on the teaser photo logo for 2025 with f18

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That decal just means we are supposed to get it this year, not necessarily this update

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J15 and j16 have better avionics and weapons

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and? F-15EX has better avionics and weapons than F-15C doesnt mean it should be added next update

J-16 is like China F-15SA/QA/EX

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Screw em, don’t need no smelly Hornets


You know the F-15EX is better than the J-15.

there giving su30 to russia along with f18 to america china should get j15 or j16

F15EX dogs on pretty much anything ingame in most scenarios

Well yeah, Japan should have gotten its F-2 prototypes a long while ago.


no, chinas 14.0 jet is the J-11B

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China has a 14.0 jet?