Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

What missiles could that add next without one nation getting 1 that is obviously over powered?

Sadly, they won’t change anything.

Back when the C*S meta was to bomb from the stratosphere, yes.

However, the C*S meta has shifted: it now boils down to flying too low, too close, or both, for ANY SAM systems to be able to even engage.

C*S in Top Tier used to be overpowered already- but now it’s downright uncounterable. It doesn’t matter if we get longer range or higher G SAMs; as long as these creatures can just execute 6+ Ground Vehicles while hugging the ground like this and popping up only for 2 seconds at ranges typically too close for SAMs to be able to engage, they will remain impossible to counter.

I curse the day C*Ssers started to do this instead of just doing orbital bombardments. And I thought that was bad…


M-SHORAD I think could help against this since it’s fairly well suited to taking out low flyers, same with Avenger but to lower degree.

I know some will disagree but to me, modern gun + missile AA as well as pure missile AA like SLAMRAAM at top BR is the most comprehensive way to deal with aircraft from the ground

The best AA should always be other aircraft though


That’s the sad thing: joining Ground Battles only to end up having to spend 5 billion SP on spawning a plane to practically play Air Battles because otherwise you will just be reduced to atoms by some C*Sser… not to mention how bad this is for the actual Ground players who never thought they would need to grind entire Air trees just to be able to survive in Ground Battles.

Indeed- gunners and stuff like Type 81 (C) are currently some of the best anti-airs in Top Tier. With Type 81 (C), you only need to have the enemy in sight for 1 second: then, no matter how much they disappear, the missile will know where they are…

Tbf the type 81 first has to hope the target isnt firing from 12km out or that theres a helicopter up since the type 81 cant fend off most threats it cants see, works great since you dont have a radar to deal with most aircraft at 10.7 which can attack the type 81 from outside its range. Hell if i stay within 3km its easy to dodge in my F4E since i stayed low to the ground and just dropped a bomb. The type 81 is a glorified strela at a BR where it can occasionally fail to hit a target that moves slightly when going in a straight line or does a complete 90° turn to nuke the plane. Its meh imo

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Maybe ECM and CIWS style stuff could mitigate this. Also, like I said, stuff like SLAMRAAM and M-SHORAD would provide solid, mobile AA cover at closer ranges, while patriots would be far more vulnerable, but also much more dangerous to aircraft

Also, there is the fact that an AIM-120D launched from an F-22 cruising at mach 1.7 is going to go farther than an AIM-120D with even the SLAMRAAM-ER booster launched from a humvee

So I get why you don’t like having to spawn aircraft for the best AA coverage but that’s really just an inherent advantage that should be represented in game (and is balanced by SP cost)

Yeah, that’s what I mean; in the past, the limited range of Type 81 was an issue because everyone were doing orbital bombardments from the stratosphere.

But now that the meta is hugging the trees 2km away from the battlefield, Type 81’s limited range is no longer an issue, while its ability to target planes you can’t physically see or track allows it to cure this disease.

Not sad, but good, SPAA can only do the part of job, not all. Encourage players grind all the TT is the best way to make this game profitable, if make ground players only use SPAA easily kill the CAS, it’s better to build a new game

Eh even then its hit or miss, it struggles to.kill things too close to it. Ive killed them pretty easily in my Mig 17AS with my bombs just messing around trying to get god mode on unaware jets lol. The Type 81 is a joke for the most part if you know how to bait and switch the missiles energy

More reason to add datalink for US and USSR cold war interceptors (and also more cold war interceptors!)

And ofc modern datalink. Imagine if an F-15E (with its rightful AN/APG-82v1 radar) could DL target info to a M-SHORAD about a target that’s closing in from behind terrain, so the element of surprise is countered. Also, imagine the same F-15E providing targeting data for another target that’s trying to notch a patriot (but you can’t notch 2 modern radars at once)

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Would rather see the Type 81 be either given better missiles or have its BR dropped since its a joke of an SPAA imo, ill take my ADATS with less range since at least i have the gun for tanks and ground.

They really need to encourage CAP by reducing anti-air costs or even making 1st plane spawns a thing at top tier.

There’s gonna be like 8 F-22 or F-15 at 60k ft every match then lol

It’s better to reduce the aircraft SP instead of SPAA SP cost, Pantsir is still one of the biggest mistakes at toptier, then is the KH38

Why are you using in like it’s a bad or unbelievably foul word? CAS is oppressive yes, but just because someone plays it doesn’t make them satan himself. Honestly playing CAS is super fun


If they add that F15E will be CAP and CAS king until the Awacs or super hornet comes.

What does the super hornet even do better than a strike eagle?

It’s slow af, worse sensors, worse payload

Radar to an extent

No, APG-82v1 is far better than the APG-79 on a super hornet


Hornet has better data link capabilities No? if not then i’m mixing it up with F15Es radar and i’m sorry