Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

F-4J has HMD and SARH missiles, the F-16A is stuck with the 9L which is pretty easy to beat so long as you’re paying the slightest bit of attention, the F-16A will still be a great gunfighter in comparison, and the better aircraft overall for sure, but the F-4J holds up decently in that matchup

Fair enough.

Any leaks to cheer us up from these abysmal BR changes?


And what of the things you just said justifies the F-16A going down to 12.3?

This literally is the same case as the Starfighter (and J35A as well now) at 9.3.

you’re better off using ACM box than F-4J HMD to radar lock targets

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everything else going up would have been better, but the F-16A was worse than the Mirage 2000 that had been at 12.3 for forever, and while that aircraft was great, it never felt like a huge issue when I played in that range, the F-16As absolutely do suck at their current BR and if Gaijin weren’t going to further decompress then this is the next best thing

often yes, but the HMD has it’s uses in closer range fights

Things like a F-16 just flat out shouldn’t move down if they can’t be bothered to decompress.
This is an atrocious approach to balancing the game and will only cause further compression over time with other planes suddenly performing much worse according to gaijins statistics.

Wonder if that means the snail could be looking at adding J35ÖE. Considering their prior mindset that the XS was 11.3 worthy the ÖE wouldve been 13.3 now its looking like it might only be 12.3

Perhaps, though again, it might mean nothing at all and this is just them slowly un-doing the decompress from last year

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Was more so a joke that the ÖE originally couldn’t be added to the game without being a 3rd gen 1950s frame with 9L and Falcon at 13.3 with 12 CM lol

It’s a good flight model with an awful missile kit, sharing a BR with the arguably better Mirage 2000C-S4 and MiG-21Bison, as well as the pretty much equivalent F-4EJ thanks to its AIM-7s and the worse K2K, that is it for fighters at 12.3 and as far as I can see, it fits right in.

And most of the strike aircraft at that BR get IRCCM missiles too, just sucks to be the JH-7A.

Yes, decompression would be better, but BR 12.3 is already toxic as hell, adding the F-16A to it likely doesn’t move the needle

I think it was a change less for balance and more to make it more intuitive and user friendly.

Unfortunate as now it’s less likely to ever be a true real alternative to the F-16AJ.

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Yea all fox 3 has the same seeker in game which is a shame

I thought it was too good to be true, well it was fun to think about while it lasted ig

Just a shame as it used to be my main SL grinder when it was at 10.0, kinda a shame to see it used as a zomber too, i much prefer to play it as a fighter which is why I’m frustrated at the BR

Aircraft BRs being based upon what they can in theory earn per sortie via base bombing alone is really annoying.

I get it to a degree and it shouldnt be totally forgotten, but some aircraft just have no buissness being anywhere near their current BRs but are just because of a bomb load.


@Smin1080p_WT will r-77s drag be looked at? its grid fins allow it to have dynamic drag, which isnt yet possible in game, yet it seems to have the highest drag from its graph

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AFAIK the A-1A is the only thing I saw right now, but it is a good change.

Well apperciated.

bucc s2b is a prime example of that imho