Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Oh it hasn’t, mwahahaha

Yea i cant even play it now before its ruined because this has been happening to me Community Bug Reporting System

It gets gapped by every phantom, mirage, kfir, f104, f-111, tornado at it’s br, bombs aren’t a valid reason to keep it at the same BR as the J-7D, it’s crazy

Yeah, there is the Thai ADF if they want to have a Thai AMRAAM armed F-16, the OCU should be 13.0 with 9Ms to somewhat fill the same role as the F-16AJ which they should probably eventually remove from the tree


True what is AV-8C got the AN/ALE37a as it should

From the lobbies I have seen full of A-5Cs a few weeks ago. They were racing each other for the bases and noone else was beating them to it. I don’t see it having any problem with bases only points they lose is if someone finishes it off while it burns netting each player less RP.

And if you have players racking up the RP with the bases yes it will be a reason to keep it at its BR.

Now it’s the opposite, F-16A-10 Netz stays 12.7 and F-16A-10 moved:


Also i find it criminal that the Ki 200 and the komets are still as high as 8.7.
with all the recent nerfs you are left with 4min of fuel wich you need at least half of it to get into a fight at a comparable speed and alt as your enemys.
the Army Ho 155 30mm are basicly trash at this point ammo wise and the Ki 200 has spaded lower trust then stock Me 163s.
Should go back to 8.0 now to unite with the Sabres and Mig 15s


these bombers thought they could escape the AIM-7C’s BR range 😂

Hopefully just an error and they’ll change it

Not like Aim-7C can really do anything


They were already in the range of the Vautour interceptor, that has SARH missiles too

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Wholely moley, this is gunna be very strong at 10.3

  • Air RB: Saab 35 S (“J 35XS”): 10.7 → 10.3
  • Air SB: Saab 35 S (“J 35XS”): 10.7 → 10.3

remember when it was 11.3 and faced fakour without rwr

Yeah, but the moment it moved out of sight of those and then later the “strong” SARH Slingers at 12.0, it should have been fine. At 10.3 its gunna be a total menace in downtiers. How any 9.7 was meant to deal with them was a mystery, but now 9.3s are screwed

Lmao the JH-7A is actually going up in BR? Not even getting IRCCM IR missiles?
I can’t with these BR changes bro

I don’t see you as an AB player, and I very clearly put the JH-7A change under Air AB. :)

I mean still.

Ah yes, of course they undo the jet bomber BR changes, but the recompression of the 10.0 bracket is not a problem at all

Also, F-16A at 12.3, because surely a F-16 is just a .3 BR improvement over something like the F-4J

Yeah, Canberra at 8.0 would have been rather good