Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

IE, British bombers, British bombers, and British bombers, and then some B-24/PB4Y

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Still not entirely sure why its not 10.7, but incremental changes might be the plan. J-35XS has dropped 0.3 BR every single BR change for about a year now. So maybe AMX A-1A will drop to 10.7 next change

Yeah, exactly the one that always come to mind for me too. Its A2A power barely warrants it being 8.3 (not that im saying it should be that low, but it could be that low)

but its basically all heavy bombers as well

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I cant say too much in terms of the A-1A, but it doesnt felt like the piranhas are worth that extra notch. Guns - given their decency in first loop, both are managable. Cant really expect them to bomb bases as well, only faster than Su-25s and A-10s.

They have a longer guidance delay than 9Ls but are also faster off the rails. Which both makes the delay worse and them more potent than 9Ls. So once you accomodate the delay by firing a little further away, they do pull better and are half decent. But im not sure if I consider them truly superior to the Aim-9L. More of an overall side-grade to them. Different, and better in someways but equally worse in others.

With that in mind, why the AMX A-1A is a higher BR than the AMX or Buc S2B is a totally mystery to me and yeah, Even at 10.7 I wouldnt bother using it in RB, its okay in SB and 11.0 will help a bit, but its hard to justify using it over the Buc S2B at 10.7 which has equal bomb load, equal RWR but has a radar and is faster


Don’t forget B-29 and B-29ski

Can’t believe they are going to keep RN Ghibli at 4.0, this is so retarded, it’s probably the most overtiered vessel I’ve seen in WT.
Yeah, they usually skip all the naval related feedback, but, I mean… this is such an obvious case.

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As a side note, Moscow is back in high tier ARB



maybe because no one use it and don’t get any playbase information for it, which is important for BR adjustment.

That’s why we have feedback thread, no? Pointing out to things which Gaijin is not able to see through their statistics.

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Well, BR update seems coming, and again Gaijin ignore 99% players suggestions


Played this today and thoight i was crazy its so weird playing on this map in high tier again

At least they know to move to Atlanta to 5.7, but it is too late and no one realized that something has changed

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Gaijin speedrunning game death by compression challenge


IKR, last time I played top tier in moscow, top tier was like phantom FG1 and harrier GR7

Its still better than half the British 5.7 at anything that isnt a full uptier against dreadnoughts

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But worse than most of heavy cruisers, Naval now are still suffering the most serious compression

Eh… even then, the sheer volume of fire than an Altanta can put down range is enough to cause serious damage to most Heavies. Or at least any in the British tree and I suspect most in other trees too. It may only have 5" guns but 2 rounds every second or so is enough to fairly permamently surpress anything smaller than a battleship and do some meaningful damage, maybe even enough to sink them. Whilst I agree compression is pretty bad. Atlanta is one of the best light cruisers in the game at the moment

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I think the main issue of British cruisers is most of the crew members were not under armor protection. Even the DD can damage then seriously, the same issue also happened on most of IJN’s cruisers, but not for US and German heavy cruisers, unless approaching to 7km.

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