Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, sadly true, not sure why they actually bother with the BR threads

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well that’s not entirely true, but they have been more and more negligent since the ‘revolts’ when I thought they were heading in the right direction with those roadmaps and dev reports

Yeah, that would have been a solid change.

Its even things like the Tornado F3 Late isnt moving down in SB and yet, the ICE did. Its really little things like that which are really frustrating.

My dreams of not getting shafted in the Harrier reduced to dust.
Also gotta love them also fiddling with low/mid tier SPAAGs again, I really don’t understand them moving the T77 and AEC AA up, (or the AMX10P as well tbf) for them to drop back down in a BR change or so again (like the Skink in this BR change lmao)


Yeah, they need to stop yoyo-ing BRs

I have a source that could quite possibly make this true.
In the next update I want muh harrier buff

It’s sad that it’s going to be the same BR as the F-16A despite being worse in every single way.

Honestly what’s the point of asking for feedback and then ignoring 95% of it?


Normal, when has Gaijin ever listened to players’ suggestions? They will only listen if it is in Gaijin’s interest, like the damn auction.

I mean, I was talking about Ground RB, a FM buff won’t change the issues it faces there, (subsonic, poor RWR, and weak weapon load & type), even at BR (9.7) the Harrier struggles against IR and Radar SAMs


I can’t see the A-5C going down while it has incendiary bombs. Literally out racing my Jaguar to every base burning them down before I can get there. Nah there no reason they will lower it.

Forget that, it is premium. Simple as

As of, no.

The American F-16A-10 has not been changed.

Well… I have all my BR suggestions saved in a doc ready for C&P next time. So i’ll just quickly spam all suggestions back into the next BR change again. But some of these i’ve posted in every single BR change for over a year and they still havent been fixed.


Vehicle: Tornado F3 Late
Gamemode: Air Sim
Change: 13.3 —> 13.0
Reason: It moved down in RB. When the ICE moved down to 13.0 it moved down in both gamemodes. It is unplayable vs 14.0s and there doesnt seem to be the new brackets expected this change to accomodate 14.0s properly into sim

With the introduction of 14.0. It should be possible to add new Sim Brakcets that accomodate 12.3 and 13.3 properly within the sim brackets.

It is rediculous this is another BR change with no proposed SIM changes and especially no new Sim brackets.

Here is my proposal for new Sim brackets to be introduced this update

Vehicle: Hunter FGA9
Gamemode: Air Sim
BR Change: 9.7 ----> 9.3
Reason: It has almost identical performance to the Hunter F6 (France) and yet sits 0.7 BR higher in SB and 0.3 higher than it does in RB. There is no justification for this BR increase and its BR should be lowered to 9.3

(9.7 is also the same BR as the Hunter F58 which has better AAMs, A better engine, an RWR and CMs)

Vehicle: Sea Harrier FRS1 (SQV)
Gamemode: Air Sim
BR Change: 11.3 ----> 11.0

The Sea Harrier FRS1 currently holds a Battle Rating in Air Sim that is 0.3 higher than it is in RB and a BR 0.7 higher than equivalent 4x Aim-9L carriers such as the A-10A Late. The Sea Harrier’s main competition at 11.3 is the Mig-23ML/MLD which are superior in every single respect to the Sea Harrier.

In the future, this BR may be appropriate for the Sea Harrier FRS1 but in its current highly unfinished state, it lacks much of IRL capabilities and so needs a lower BR

(as a minor side note, please reclass the Sea Harrier’s to be naval fighters not strike aircraft as this would be a more accurate description of the Sea Harrier. Additionally, this would enable it to be used as a CAP without increasing the SP cost of far better CAS aircraft such as the Jaguar Gr1A or Buc S2B at the same BR in GRB)

Vehicle: Sea-Vixen F.A.W Mk.2
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: 9.0 ----> 8.7
Reason: It has no guns and extremely easy to defeat rear-aspect only IR Missiles. Anything with flares renders it unplayable (not that you need flares to defeat the Red Tops, turning slightly is enough). Increasing its BR increases the number of aircraft with flares it can encounter and therefore it is rendered unplayable.

Alternative solution: Give Red Tops their missing All-aspect lock ability and add the Sea-Vixen’s Missing Napalm (2 year old bug report for those)

Vehicle: Tornado Gr1 (Britain)
Gamemode: Air Realistic and Air Sim
BR Change: 11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It is the weakest of all 6 Tornado IDS aircraft at that BR range with the much weaker MK101 engine, this severely impact the Tornado Gr1’s overall performance. This is partially mitigated by the fact it can carry Mk13 bombs instead of Mk83s, which do allow for slightly more damage per bomb run, but this is a minimal increase in output and only partially mitigates the weaker engines. Additional differences such as PGMs have no impact on performance within Air gamemodes and are rarely, if ever, used.

Compared to the 3x Tornado IDS already at 11.3 (Tornado A200, Tornado MFG and Tornado WTD61) there is no justification at all for this Tornado IDS to be at any higher of a BR and should be lowered to match their rating.

Mk101 engines are ahistorical and should be replaced with the Mk103 engines that all other Tornado IDS have. There is no justification for this nerf. Only area where this change could affect balance is in ground modes with the Tornado Gr1 have a notable advantage over its contemporaries (Tornado A200A and Tornado ASSTA1) then increase its Ground Realistic Battle Rating to 11.7. In no other aircraft is “balanced” achieved through engine nerfs

**Vehicle:**Tornado IDS (1995) (Italy)
**Gamemode:**Air Realistic and Air Sim
**BR Change:**11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It has identical performance to the earlier Tornado IDS aircraft (Tornado A200, Tornado MFG and Tornado WTD61) in every single respect and therefore has no justification for being a higher BR within air gamemodes

Vehicle: Tornado ASSTA1 (Germany)
Gamemode: Air Realistic and Air Sim
BR Change: 11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It has identical performance to the earlier Tornado IDS aircraft (Tornado A200, Tornado MFG and Tornado WTD61) in every single respect and therefore has no justification for being a higher BR within air gamemodes

BR Change:

Vehicle: Harrier Gr7
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 12.3 ----> 12.0
Reason: The Harrier Gr7 has no radar and sub-sonic flight performance. It is well equipped with a defensive loadout but has limited ability to survive against a smart and determined attacker. Its BR also renders it extremely hard to use it within its main role of A2G attack. Additionally, there is no 12.3 Bracket. So the Harrier Gr7 is always at a minimum fighting 12.7s and therefore has a Psuedo BR of 12.7 not 12.3. Lowering it to 12.0 would massively increases its playability.

In ARB, its now going to be directly facing aircraft like the F-16 on the regular with their BR reduction.

Alternative Solution: Give the Harrier Gr7 its native MAWS and not the C&P from the F-111A. Add the missing 2x Aim-9Ms and 2x AGM-65s . Fix the exhaust being sooty to reduce visiblity. Fix the IR signature being so hot its nearly impossible to flare anything and overhaul BOL so that its modeled correctly and not at 1/4 strength

Vehicle: AMX A-1A
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 11.3 ----> 10.7
Reason: The AMX A-1A is identical in nearly every single respect to the tech-tree version the AMX, except it has the MAA-1 Piranha Air-to-air missiles. These are notably different to the Aim-9Ls that the standard AMX carries but comparable in overall performance and I don*t believe justify any reason for the AMX A-1A to be any higher at this time.

All Ground Attack aircraft are underperforming notably with Air Realistic at the moment, especially sub-sonic airframes that routinely encounter super-sonic ground attack aircraft. Such a higher BR guarantees that they will encounter aircraft such as the F-4S which routinely clear any and all bases long before the AMX can arrive.

The only gamemode that the AMX A-1A performs “well” in is Air Simulator, but even within this gamemode it is notably underpowered, given its the same BR as the Mig-23MLD and would be better suited at 10.7 alongside similar airframes such as the AMX and Buccaneer S2B. Whilst the MAA-1’s are little stronger with Air Sim due to their short burn time, making them harder to see, the lack of radar limits the AMX A-1A’s ability to ID targets at longer ranges.

The AMX and AMX A-1A are not strong dogfighters, with aircraft like the Sea Harrier FRS1e at 10.7 much more capable under most conditions and its hard to justify even 10.7 for the airframes if not for the on-going compression

Vehicle: Phantom FG1
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: 12.0 ----> 11.7
Reason: It has one of the worst A2A weapon loadouts at that BR and is being carried by the fact it has decent engines and slightly more CMs than most. But VS equivalent F4s like the F4S, it stands no chance, let alone aircraft on its own tree like the Tornado F3 that is universally better in almost all respects at the same BR.

Vehicle: Phantom FGR2
Gamemode: Air Realistic and Air Simulator
BR Change: ARB: No change, ASB: 11.3 ----> 12.0
** Loadout Change:** Add Aim-9L
Reason: Unlike the Phantom FG1, the FGR2 actually used Aim-9L when it was in service with the RAF, this would give the FGR2 the performance it needs to operate at 12.0 alongside airframes such as the Tornado F3. This change also helps differentiate between the FGR2 and FG1 which are currently Identical and gives a reason to own both airframes.

Vehicle: Phantom F-4J(UK)
Gamemode: Air Realistic and Air Simulator
BR Change: ARB: 12.0 ----> 11.7 ASB: 12.0 —>11.3
Reason: It is an identical airframe to the F-4J(US) but unlike it does not have the Agile Eagle or HMD upgrades, lowering its performance notably. It is one of the weakest 12.0 aircraft in RB at the moment and doesnt belong at 12.0.

In Sim, its equivalent TT aircraft are currently at 11.3 and there is no justification for it to be at 12.0 given it is weaker than both with less CMs, weaker engines and a weaker RWR

Vehicle: Harrier Gr1
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 9.7 -----> 9.3
Reason: The Harrier Gr1 has no RWR and no CMs. It is extremely vulnerable to any and all attacks, especially by those with All-aspect IR missiles. The “issue” with all Harriers that make them unrealistically hot, means that the Harrier Gr1 has no chance of survival when it encounters one of these aircraft. SRAAM performance is also extremely limited at the moment and is one of the weakest IR missiles at that BR. When compared to aircraft even like the Harrier Gr3 which has 2x Aim-9Gs, RWR and 60CMs at the same BR, the Harrier Gr1 looses most of its value. Within sim, you are totally blind to what is going on around you and you are spottable cross map due to the incorrect sooty exhaust, in sim especially, it needs a BR drop

Alternative solution: Fix SRAAM (2km range and fix the buggy TVC at short range)

Vehicle: Buccaneer S.1
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: Air Realistic remain at 8.7. Air Sim 9.0 -----> 8.7.
Rank Change: Rank VI ----> Rank V
Reason: This change would enable the Buccaneer S1 to get its Air Spawn back. Unlike even later Bucs, it has a notably weaker flight performance and absolutely no A2A performance (No AAMs and no CMs). It is extremely vulnerable to any attack and rarely if ever can make it to a base to drop its bomb on target. Lowering its Rank to V would enable air spawn and fix a LOT of issues for the Buc S1

BR change in SIM is due to the lack of any sort of A2A. 9.0 places it above a lot of other aircraft when its closest equivalents are at 8.3

Vehicle: Challenger 2 (base)
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It is one of the weakest tanks at top tier currently. It is by far the slowest, has minimal armour, a relatively weak round, a huge profile and a heavily mitigated fire rate due to ahistorical ready rack size of only 4 rounds. There is no justification for it to be at its current BR and needs to be further separated from the tanks that outperform it so notably, such as the Abram Sep v2, Leopard 2A7 and T-80BVM

Vehicle: Challenger 2 TES
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It is one of the weakest tanks at top tier currently. It is by far the slowest, has minimal armour, a relatively weak round, a huge profile and a heavily mitigated fire rate due to ahistorical ready rack size of only 4 rounds. There is no justification for it to be at its current BR and needs to be further separated from the tanks that outperform it so notably, such as the Abram Sep v2, Leopard 2A7 and T-80BVM

But in addition to the base version, it is even heavier and slower due to the ERA, but the ERA provides no meaningful protection despite its weight and thickness, and only serves to weaken the Challenger 2 further

Vehicle: Challenger 2 OES
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It is one of the weakest tanks at top tier currently. It is by far the slowest, has minimal armour, a relatively weak round, a huge profile and a heavily mitigated fire rate due to ahistorical ready rack size of only 4 rounds. There is no justification for it to be at its current BR and needs to be further separated from the tanks that outperform it so notably, such as the Abram Sep v2, Leopard 2A7 and T-80BVM

But in addition to the base version, it is even heavier and slower due to the ERA, but the ERA provides no meaningful protection despite its weight and thickness, and only serves to weaken the Challenger 2 further

Vehicle: Challenger 2F
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It is one of the weakest tanks at top tier currently. It is by far the slowest, has minimal armour, a relatively weak round, a huge profile and a heavily mitigated fire rate due to ahistorical ready rack size of only 4 rounds. There is no justification for it to be at its current BR and needs to be further separated from the tanks that outperform it so notably, such as the Abram Sep v2, Leopard 2A7 and T-80BVM

Vehicle: Challenger 2 Black Night
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 12.0 ----> 11.7
Reason: It is one of the weakest tanks at top tier currently. It is by far the slowest, has minimal armour, a relatively weak round, a huge profile and a heavily mitigated fire rate due to ahistorical ready rack size of only 4 rounds. There is no justification for it to be at its current BR and needs to be further separated from the tanks that outperform it so notably, such as the Abram Sep v2, Leopard 2A7 and T-80BVM

Whilst the Black Night does have a number of notable upgrades over the earlier Challenger 2s, such as better optics, thermals and the APS. It is still lacking in all other respects. It deserves to be 0.3 higher than the base Challenger 2s, but does not warrant being at 12.0 alongside the meta tanks.

Vehicle: Challenger 2E
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 12.0 ----> 11.7
Reason: It is one of the weakest tanks at top tier currently. It is by far the slowest, has minimal armour, a relatively weak round, a huge profile and a heavily mitigated fire rate due to ahistorical ready rack size of only 4 rounds. There is no justification for it to be at its current BR and needs to be further separated from the tanks that outperform it so notably, such as the Abram Sep v2, Leopard 2A7 and T-80BVM

The Challenger 2E alone mitigates the Challenger 2s main weakness which is it’s exceptionally poor mobility, but it does not address any of the other weakness of the CR2 and thus, still does not warrant being at 12.0

Vehicle: HMS York
Gamemode: Naval Realistic
BR Change: 5.7 ----> 5.3
Reason: Unlike many other Heavy Cruisers at 5.7. The York only has 6x 8" guns and not 8 that most others have. This greatly limits its firepower vs most other ships. It also is severly lacking in armour vs many other Heavy Cruisers

Vehicle: HMS Tiger
Gamemode: Naval Realistic
BR Change: 5.7 -----> 5.3
Reason: Despite its high firerate, it actually has a weaker fire rate than that of other light cruisers like USS Atlanta or USS Helena, and unlike those ships, the Tiger has terrible medium range accuracy. Additional, it has almost no armour, making it extremely vulnerable to even destroyers. 5.3 is a more reasonable BR for it at this time.

Vehicle: Hunter F6 (Britain)
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 9.7 -----> 9.3
Reason: The Hunter F6 has no advantage over the French equivalent that is currently at 9.3 except for the SRAAMs which are in an extremely poor state. Though unlike the Harrier Gr1, actually has a usable airframe. It is also weaker than the Hunter F58 which shares the same BR but has CMs and better AAMs

Alternative solution: Fix SRAAM (2km range and fix the buggy TVC at short range)

Vehicle: Hunter F6 (France)
Gamemode: Air Sim
BR Change: 9.0 —> 9.3
Reason: The Hunter F6 in the French tree moved up to 9.3 in RB, but did not in SB and currently shares the same BR as the Hunter F1 despite being both a superior airframe and having AAMs. Its closest equivalent, the J-34 found on the Swedish Tech-tree is also at 9.3 in SB despite having a slightly weaker engine than the Hunter F6.

Vehicle: F-5C
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: 10.7 ----> 11.0
Reason: It has an extremely good flight performance, well suited for ARB and due to the limitations with how the game models IR signatures. Is completely cold, achieving IR lock with any missile is hard work and it has CMs that will instanteously defeat any and all missile, include all IRCCM missiles whilst sat on full-reheat and it was a rear-aspect shot. There is no justification to lower its BR other than its Premium and Gaijin wants a pay-to-win aircraft for the US.

It is impossible to deal with in aircraft such as the Sea Harrier FRS1e at 10.7 let alone 9.7s that dont have CMs and are sub-sonic such as the Hunter. If its BR drops down ALL 9.7-10.7s need to drop down 0.3 BR as well so that they can actually be playable

Vehicle: Javelin F.(A.W) Mk.9
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: ARB: 8.3 → 8.0 ASB: 8.7 → 8.0
Reason: The Javelin is easily one of, if not maybe the weakest aircraft at its respective BRs. It is slower than most, turns worse than most and its weapon systems are hard to use. After its recent nerfs in Firebirds update, it has only gotten worse and really needs to be moved down in Battle Rating

Vehicle: Hunter F1
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 9.0 → 8.7

As per Stona:

this is a Korean Era aircraft, with no AAMs and limited flight performance these days. It should have gone down in BR with the others, but did not. It is stuck facing vastly superior late-cold war aircraft with better flight performance and capable AAMs with no advantage or strength. It should have gone down at the same time.

Vehicle: Wyvern S4
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: None
**Change:**Remove air spawn.
Reason: The Wyvern on paper is not that capable of an A2A fighter, it has a number of limiations that mitgates its few strengths. The one thing it does have is air spawn, which means it can easily intercept many bombers and a large ammo count of 20mm Hispanos enables it shread those targets. Its BR should not change as its equal in overall performance to other airframes at the same BR, but removing air spawn removes its only real advantage and the only reason it is considered “OP”

Vehicle: Lightning F6 & Lightning F.53
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: 9.3 → 9.7
Reason: It is supersonic at a BR that quite often faces sub-sonics. It’s BR should match the 9.3 F-104s, so if they move up, so should the Lightnings


Red Tops are currently missing their all-aspect lock capabilies. With all-aspect Red Tops, it would quite comfortably sit at this higher BR without issue and maintain its current level of performance

(All-Aspect Red Tops would not be an issue at 9.7, or even at a lower BR like for the Sea-Vixen due to how easy they are to defeat kinematically)

Vehicle: Harrier GR.3
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 9.7 ----> 9.3
Reason: The Harrier Gr3 is rather lacking in terms of performance when it comes to CAS and Britain has very little in the way of 9.7 line-up for ground. The Harrier Gr3 is weaker than the Buccaneer S2 already at 9.3 for CAS but would provide a stronger option for a CAP Fighter, which is a little lacking at that BR, with the only meaningful option the Hunter F1 on the TT or Hunter FGA9 if you have the premium.

With the Tornado WTD61, Tornado MFG and Tornado A200 only 0.3 BR above as well, with notably better performance in every single respect, the need to lower the Harrier GR.3 is only increased further.

Vehicle: B-26C (France)
Gamemode: Air Arcade and Air Realistic
BR Change: 4.7 —> 4.3
Reason: It is identical to the B-26B found on the US tech tree which is currently at 4.3 in both Air Arcade and Air Realistic


leaklist Will it appear?

it’s over

it’s progressing apparently, probably will need to wait until the end of feb though, thats around when the dovblegs should start releasing

Because it is clearly the worse F-16A /s

I have them as a list here:

I would add better reasons, but that’s too hard to format.

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Yeah. i would prefer to see it without them too and bumping it down to 13.0.
This would also help with the overall low and incorrect flare/chaff count.