I do agree. I keep saying to nerf them.
I dont really get what you are trying to do here?
Like i just said:
I do agree. I keep saying to nerf them.
I dont really get what you are trying to do here?
Like i just said:
Becuase I want to play tanks like the Challenger 2. I want to use Helis like the Apache and I want an engaging environment to use fixed wing CAS in like the Harrier, Tornado and Typhoon.
Also, you cant be uptiered at top tier.
APDS sucks. I cant stand using it.
But “you’ve got usable stuff at lower BRs, so why do you care about your top tier stuff being playable” is a pretty bad response too.
Using that Argument Its a bit like saying Germany didnt need the Typhoon because the BF109 and FW190 are good aircraft for their BR. Its just a wierd argument. Every nation should be playable at every BR. Britain at top tier included
China has good 11.0(and 9.3 etc), Israel has good 11.3(and 8.7 etc), but you cant really find a lot of players for these trees overall because most players nowadays only cares about top tier. The thing is that gaijin knows this as well. If Britain cant get enough attention at top tier, its unlikely that its low tier vehicles will be fairly treated.
im just asking for your opinion on them thats all
What do you mean? The meteors and spitfires are absolutely criminal…?
Dont forget that Britain has the most vehicles at 11.7-12.0 IIRC. It might be second or third place as well.
So you are saying the reason that nearly every single Rank 7 and 8 aircraft in the British TT being rather heavily nerfed is because we have good Rank 4 or 5 aircraft?
That is the wierdest argument ever
Quantity means little when they are all C&P of each other and fix none of the issues of the previous version. Short of being able to just zerg rush a load of MBTs forward, Britain is pretty useless in any 1v1 fight. A Single Leopard 2A7 is easily worth having 3 or 4 Challenger 2s
Agreed, whenever you ask people about Britain, they just tell you to “never go beyond 10.7” despite a pretty capable CAS lineup in top tier, and very unique gimmicks. Italy before a leopard “should never be played beyond 10.3” and same for “never go beyond 10.7 China”. Its kinda defeatist and gave up future vehicles to be treated fairly.
Yep, if the recommendation is to not play a BR, then something must be wrong at that BR.
These are two families of aircraft. The spitfires do stomp anything and there isnt any shame in admitting that, but if that is the case, shouldnt top tier US be absolutely unplayable because of the great energy fighters like mustangs? On the other hand, does Germany, before the EFT, has any good mid-tier fighter? Because since the props and early jets are pretty bad, there must be smth better than the MiG-29G.
I’m sorry did I read that right, the UK has one good vehicle and a handful of playable ones, 90% of the tree should be left unplayable.
That appears to the argument for why the Challenger 2 is bad is because Britain has good prop aircraft
Its almost as bad as the guy who reckoned Japan should get Yamato and steamroll in Naval because Japan had weaker top tier line-ups in air and ground
If that’s the case then we need to ask for more sub nation to make us better
Check out the reaction of other players when the fox gets added, stuff like 2S38 didnt get that level of criticism even on launch. To them, it is absolutly out of water when Britain gets good stuff.
dont they have the best F-15C ingame though??
I think this was after that, so yes
Which is worse than the F-15E/I, eurofighters and rafale depending on the specs - 6/10 in game nations.
its also 13.7 vs F-15E/I, EFT, Rafale at 14.0
it was the best F-15 until the F-15I was added
then all they have is ground being mediocre lol. even then they have 4s reload on their tanks with a very good round
Was before the EFT and Rafale, but after the F-15E I think.
Though I would argue the F-15C is barely behind the top 3 at the moment. Being lighter it turns better than the F-15E but lacks the same climb rate or top speed
Then if thats the case, Britain might as well start rolling out WOWS level of paper ships and rule the waves to the utmost since you know, the top tier ground was arguably bottom one.
I only ever saw Britain being mentioned when someone complains that China is bad and Britain is used solely to say that “you have a skill issue, Britain is worse”, which isnt exactly wrong but you see how bad the popularity was.